View Full Version : PPL Hours

Clouded Yellow
27th Apr 2002, 13:56
I am adding up my hours to complete the CCA FCl-JAR02 form, and Section 6, Flying Experience says;

Supervised Solo flight time in Aeroplanes minima 10 hours
Solo X-country flight time in Aeroplanes minima 5 hours

Does this mean I need a minimum 15 hours solo in total, of which 5 must be X-country


minimum 10 hours solo in total, of which 5 must be X-country.

27th Apr 2002, 14:17
No, treat each column in its own right, they are not cumulative. So you need 10 hours solo of which 5 are X Ctry.

Clouded Yellow
27th Apr 2002, 16:57
The maths don't add up then, or they don't in my case. For example, taking the relevant columns;

Supervised Solo 11 hrs
Solo X-country 6 hrs
Dual Instruction 40 hrs ( I am a little slow)

BUT, I only have a toal of 51 hours in my Log Book, because 6 of the 11 supervised solo hours were solo X-country.

Does the total column mean do not total up what you have just put down, ie 57, but put down total hours from your log book, ie 51 in my case.

Am I making sense here, or getting totally confused ?

28th Apr 2002, 17:06
They are not supposed to Add Up, each column sets a minima in a particular area.

You need

25 hours Dual Instruction
10 hours solo of which 5 hours is Solo Nav
45 hours total this may include the test.

29th Apr 2002, 12:46
Put in the following;

TOTAL Supervised SOLO hours - 11
SOLO X Country - 6

Date of most recent qualifying X country

DUAL Instruction - 40