View Full Version : Using Standard Learning Credits for ATPL exam fees

Professor Plum
19th Apr 2013, 16:36

Does anyone know if you can use Standard Learning Credits for the £69 a pop CAA exam fees for the ATPL theory?

According to CAP 804, Part O, a qualified Military Pilot is exempt from attending a theoretical knowledge instruction course prior to attempting the exams.

A civvy mate of mine who wears an Orange uniform is lending me his notes etc, and I'm hoping to self study and use the SLC's for the exam fees (over two years to get two shots of SLC) Without having to go via a training provider. I'm hoping to use the ELC's for the flying needed.

Thanks in advance.

19th Apr 2013, 17:42
JSP 898, part 4 chapter 4, para 7f: http://www.lincoln.ac.uk/home/media/universityoflincoln/businesslaw/military/1204_Pt4_Ch04_AF_SLC_Scheme.pdf

f. Those claiming support under the ELC scheme may not also claim simultaneous SLC. In consequence, SLC may not be used to fund an exam for a course of study which has been supported by ELC funding.

also RAF Learning Forces - Flying Training (http://www.raf.mod.uk/raflearningforces/courseinfo/flyingtrg.cfm)

Enhanced Learning Credits for Flying Licenses

It is recognised that RAF personnel benefit from the additional air-mindedness and air awareness that a Private Pilot's License (PPL) affords. RAF personnel may now use ELCs to access components of the PPL/NPPL. However, current rules do not allow individuals to use ELCs and SLCs for the PPL.

Subject to specific eligibility, ELC support may be used in some cases for Instructor Ratings and ATPL qualifications. Military intranet users should consult AP 3379 Leaflet 2511 for policy guidance, or seek further information from their local Personal Learning Advisor (PLA). The Learning Forces site provides more general information on ELC use.


In short the answer is no. If you find someone willing to sign it off, make sure they put your eligibility for claiming ELC later in writing because you'll have problems if not.

Professor Plum
19th Apr 2013, 18:40

Thanks for the links. Greatly appreciated!

I've had it verbally confirmed by TDF that I can use ELC's for the ATPL theory, AP 3379 Leaflet 2511 confirms that policy too. AP 3379 Leaflet 2511 doesn't specifically mention whether this also extends to SLC's as well. Was hoping that I could use SLC's instead in order to save ELC's for more expensive stuff-Nevermind!

Wasn't planning on using both credits for the same course, just trying to make the most officient use of them for different courses, if that makes sense.

Thanks again.

19th Apr 2013, 20:53
You can use IRTC in conjunction with ELC or SLC if you are within 2 years of leaving if that helps? The only snag is using SLC + ELC together.

19th Apr 2013, 21:41
Prof Plum,

As I understand it, SLCs are for things that can benefit the service. May be wrong though. I've been advised by a mate to do a full ATPL course as many employers now conduct technical interviews to check that you haven't 'question banked' it!


20th Apr 2013, 11:49
If you can fund it with an ELC you can use a SLC, but the reverse may not be true.
Basically the SLC can be used for courses that gain a qualification above level X on the National Qualifications Framework, where ELC can only be used for courses above level X+ a bit. Where X is quite low but I don't have the DIN handy to check what it is, think playing an instrument quite badly or driving a fork lift truck.
Depending on who you get to sign off your SLC they may not accept that it's to the benefit of the service, personally when I was doing it if you could come up with a sentence or two then I'd sign it, e.g. a hair cutting course to improve the appearance of the ship's company. Obviously I was doing it for the RN, I have no idea how pedantic the RAF may be about it however if you're in your resettlement phase just write that in the box and they can't really stop you spending it on a pole dancing class if you really want to.

As to using SLC and ELC for the same course, it depends on what you call the same course. If you're doing the ATPL exams through self study and then the flying parts through a course with an approved provider you're essentially doing two different courses through two different learning providers. One is a pre-requisite for the other but that shouldn't be a problem, after all you can use SLC to fund an A level and then use ELC to get a degree in the same subject.

Also worth noting, the SLC and ELC schemes are administered by two separate organisations, the only people who may compare your claims in both are the staff at the learning centre you put the claims in at. Assuming you put both claims in at the same learning centre.

Professor Plum
20th Apr 2013, 12:32
Thanks for all the replies so far.

Just to add a bit more meat to my original post, I'm planning on getting my frozen ATPL (A) using the credits in CAP 804, part O. In an ideal world, this is the route I'm hoping to take....

1st two financial years: ATPL theory. Funded via 2X SLC (CAA exam fees).

3rd financial yr: CPL(A). Different provider to the theory exams, and seperate course. 1X ELC.

4th Financial yr: IR(A). Seperate course to those above. 1X ELC.

At some point, get an MCC exemption based on the 500+ Multi Pilot hours I have logged.

I think I can argue that I'm not using ELC's and SLC's for the same course. AP 3379 Leaflet 2511 confirms I can use ELC's for the ATPL. No mention of SLC's, hence my original question. The other Gotcha I can see is that I would also have to convince people that the CPL and IR benefit the service (unless I'm within 2 years of leaving/in resettlement).... which might be very difficult to do!!

Just curious as to what other people have done when getting their licences etc. My plan (above) may be a bit of wishful thinking on my part, but if you don't ask........

Thanks again.

20th Apr 2013, 14:32
The other Gotcha I can see is that I would also have to convince people that the CPL and IR benefit the service (unless I'm within 2 years of leaving/in resettlement).... which might be very difficult to do!!

I think something along the lines of 'enhancing knowledge of civil aviation practices to assist in improving military/civil aviation interaction'. Oddly for the ELC you don't have to write anything down to justify the benefit to the service, it's just a case of convincing the person you hand the form to for authorisation. This may well be a civvy with next to no knowledge of the details of what you're doing, of course they could also feel that it's their own money being used to fund the course so it can be a case of choosing the right person.

Personally I'd have no problem signing off the claims for each stage of your plan, unfortunately I'm no longer in a post that lets me!

20th Apr 2013, 16:25
Having similar recent experience, I see no issue with any of that.