View Full Version : IAA ATC jobs x24

11th Apr 2013, 22:22
See website great opportunities for a career , good luck !

confused atco
12th Apr 2013, 12:03
Read Terms and Conditions.


Be sure you understand what is on offer.

No payment will be made to Students while undergoing training.

If you successfully complete the Programme, including attainment of an ICAO rating (licence) you may be offered appointment as an Air Traffic Controller.


2 sheds
12th Apr 2013, 12:26
If you successfully complete the Programme, including attainment of an ICAO rating (licence) you may be offered appointment as an Air Traffic Controller.
That is written in Irish! It could mean that despite completing training, you might or might not be offered employment. Or it could mean that having obtained a licence, that then permits the Authority to make the offer of employment. Apart from that, the IAA is rather limiting its options by not paying trainees for the two years.

2 s

12th Apr 2013, 16:19
Be very clear: it means that if you get through, they may or may not offer you a job.

Over 4000 people applied last time, when they were offering €18k in training, and €50k on check out.

Now it is Zero pay in training, and then €32k in year 1.
7 year bond or else repayment of up to €190k.

I would be surprised if they got more than 2000 applicants, a lot of prospective applicants simply wont be able to afford to take the chance of going through the training course.

pay peanuts ...

13th Apr 2013, 03:17
Applicants who attain a high enough position in the Paper and Pencil Aptitude Test will be called to a Computer Based Aptitude Test (FEAST). Applicants who previously sat the test in the last two years will be precluded from re-sitting, and will be evaluated on their previous test results.

I failed FEAST (with NATS) in Jan 2013 ... does this quote from the Recruitment Information mean I would automatically fail at this stage of the IAA ATC selection process? Thanks

14th Apr 2013, 08:48

Don't let that put you off applying. As long as you know why you failed FEAST first time, put that to use and do better! You will possibly have to inform the IAA in your application, that you previously failed with NATS, however, as far as I know, there is no cross "pollination" of information between NATS and the IAA, they are two independant organisations, in different jurisdictions. So good luck:ok:

Anyone else with opinions, please chime in and help here


15th Apr 2013, 09:45
Having just moved over the border from Northern Ireland, I was really hoping to apply.

I applied the last time it was advertised and placed 33rd at the penultimate stage where they trimmed the numbers to 31. Needless to say, I was hoping to improve.

I just can't afford to take 2 years without a salary. My wife could have coped with a reduction, but not an obliteration of salary.

I think my dreams of being an ATCO are at an end.

19th Apr 2013, 16:20
Did anyone else apply hoping that the "no allowance for training" line was a lie or a mistake? Missed the last round of applications and was so annoyed I went straight to NATS but only got to stage 2. I'm really hoping that there was a screw-up with the factsheet.

confused atco
19th Apr 2013, 18:08
If you believe they made a "mistake" you can emailFrank Devlin
Human Resources Directorate
Irish Aviation Authority
The Times Building
11-12 D'Olier Street
Dublin 2

Tel: + 353 1 6031535
Fax: + 353 1 6770592
Email: [email protected]

and ask for clarification.


The Beerhunter
20th Apr 2013, 13:27
iaa management don't make mistakes. baffling decisions, yes, but always deliberate so no, not a mistake.

45 before POL
20th Apr 2013, 14:27
If IAA manage to fill the posts with no training salary, do not be surprised if Nats follow suit. A previous chief exec at Nats had questioned why they were paying people to study when a airline pilots on the whole pay for their licence.

Daermon ATC
23rd Apr 2013, 05:47
Ah, it's good to see that Spain is once again at the tip of the spear of innovation...:yuk:
Untill 2010 the trainees at Senasa got 80€ /month if they were from Madrid and 400 if they were from outside... this is basically "not paid".
And from 2010 onwards trainees at Senasa have to pay 50.000 € for the basic tower course... but don't tell that Nats or the IAA, they might wish to follow through on that :ugh:

23rd Apr 2013, 15:22
Closing date for this is Thursday @ 12, and I'm still weighing up whether or not I should apply.

The big problem I have is that I am a previous student from one of the earlier intakes, unfortunately for me I failed and was cut from the team. :{

Although I f**ked up the training, I really thought it was a brilliant job. So here I am again, thinking should I apply or not.

Any of you guys got any idea what the IAA would think about a past student looking for another chance at the course???

23rd Apr 2013, 16:06
Dear would be ATC folk,

Please don't go down the same road as Commercial Pilots, who over the years have had to pay for their entire licence, then Type ratings and now line training :ugh:

You still have a chance to stop this from happening within your specialism.

If no one applies (or very few apply), they will have to change their terms, that is the only way to tackle this before it becomes a pay for training scheme!!

Take action NOW.

confused atco
23rd Apr 2013, 17:28
Just curious,

Were you actually in training when you

failed and was cut from the team.

If so why were you cut?

And what stage did you reach?


The Beerhunter
23rd Apr 2013, 17:33
What are my chances?? check your pm s.

blind pew
23rd Apr 2013, 19:43
Beer hunter post 10 - would that be decisions based on ignorance or stupidity?

The Beerhunter
23rd Apr 2013, 22:08
if there's a way to mash "oblivious" with "wilful ignorance" you can alert the folk what edit the dictionaries.

29th Apr 2013, 19:17
Hi everyone, has anyone who applied heard anything back yet? I applied but during the first few days where the website said you get paid during training however this now seems not to be the case. Don't even think I would bother going for interview now as this is a deal breaker for me, anybody else in a similar situation?

7th May 2013, 16:16
Yeah I got the invite for the exam next week. Still undecided about even trying though with the allowance being scrapped. Couldn't afford to do it unless I win some cash fast

7th May 2013, 20:20
I did apply and got my interview for 17th. I wasn't aware that this time around they are not paying. I really can't afford to have no salary for two years. Really annoying!

22nd May 2013, 17:24
Anyone hear anything back about been called for the F.E.A.S.T test yet.
Where will it be carried out?

27th May 2013, 20:20
Its gone very quiet here. :confused:
Has anyone heard anything yet??

30th May 2013, 17:40
Does anyone have any idea how many got through the first round and will be doing the FEAST test?

From the letter that came in the post it sounds fairly difficult.

confused atco
31st May 2013, 12:27
FEAST test - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FEAST_test)

Gives some information regarding what the FEAST test is.

Regarding the numbers game I have no idea the exact break down but I think its less than 1000 get called for the FEAST test.

There is a significant investment in time and resources from start to finish of any recruitment drive.

Rather than taking pot luck they want to be sure that enough will graduate to justify the time and effort.

Each stage is designed to narrow the field.

The ultimate aim is to get a manageable number to call for interview.

Anyone who reaches the interview stage has "POTENTIALLY" what is required.

The interview process is showcasing your talents and convincing the board you are the one

31st May 2013, 16:24
After successful completion of the course, you may be offered a place.

Why are they going to all the expense of carrying out these assessments and then training people if there maybe no need for them at the end of it all?

confused atco
31st May 2013, 21:17
I believe they have a plan

iaa management don't make mistakes. baffling decisions, yes, but always deliberate so no, not a mistake.

With regard to the MAY OFFER bit I would say its to prevent any successful candidates making a claim for a position within the IAA.

But I don't know

1st Jun 2013, 16:38
Its basically there get out of jail free card, if the aviation industry goes belly up in the two years of the training and then they won't need to take anyone on.

9th Dec 2013, 23:34
Is the iaa going to do another student programme in 2014?

26th Apr 2016, 05:30
I'm a US citizen living in Manhattan. I went through the FAA (IAA equivalent here in the states) required courses back in 2013 and took the exams only to be told that they were changing the hiring plan and the two years that I spent prepping to be a controller for the FAA was for nothing. At that point, I applied for ATC with the IAA. 3 years later, I had forgotten that I had applied but received an email asking me to come sit for FEAST in early May of this year. I was wondering if anyone can offer ANY insight as to what I have in store. I want to control traffic. It's my passion. Is it worth a trip from NYC to Dublin to go sit for FEAST? Thanks in advance.

confused atco
26th Apr 2016, 16:09
Is it worth a trip from NYC to Dublin to go sit for FEAST?

I'm a US citizen living in Manhattan.

First thing have you the right to work in the EU?

Find the answer to this before anything else.

Richard H
2nd Jul 2016, 11:35
I've been invited for interview.

I don't suppose anybody knows what the career/salary progression is like do they?

I only ask because I'd be leaving a ok paying job and not being paid for two years; so it has to be worth it!

confused atco
8th Jul 2016, 18:20
I've been invited for interview.

Questions you should ask

Where will the training be carried out.
Where will you likely to be based.

Note important word.

Richard H
13th Jul 2016, 15:20
That is probably the most sensible solution.

I'm probably not going to go though. If they aren't going to pay trainees, they obviously don't have much respect for them.

7th Aug 2016, 23:08
Only PHDs need apply (Papa Has Dough)

1st May 2017, 07:20
I am currently going through selection as part of the IAA Student Controller Programme. I'm intrigued to discover if there is anyone here who has participated in the programme (on the basis that training in unpaid) and how you actually survived for 2 years? Help from parents, huge savings, managed to get hold of a student loan/grant?