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28th Mar 2013, 23:13
BBC News - RAF Bicester airfield to become vintage motor museum (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-oxfordshire-21970360)

....and centre for Aviation Excellence!

Certainly hope so!:ok:

Roland Pulfrew
28th Mar 2013, 23:22
Lets hope it is good news, heaven knows we could do with some. Had to chuckle at this bit though discussions on how to blend the site in with the community. For something that has been there, largely unchanged since it was built in the 1930s, one might assume that the community were quite used to it by now. Good luck to all involved though, it would be nice to see the whole site as a working museum.:D

28th Mar 2013, 23:27
With aviation continuing, I hope, RP?

Roland Pulfrew
28th Mar 2013, 23:31
With aviation continuing?

But of course, hence my comment of working museum. Duxford is getting pretty full nowadays, Bicester has some spare hangar space :ok:

Lima Juliet
29th Mar 2013, 10:40

The current Windrushers hangar is chocker, but they can now open up the other one that was set up as hospital for GW1 for the Americans (thankfully not needed).


29th Mar 2013, 11:07
Excellent news, and only 25 miles from http://www.heritage-motor-centre.co.uk/