View Full Version : Go Around Procedures Query

3rd Mar 2013, 19:40
Hello Chaps,

On a particular procedural NDB/DME approach one begins the final descent at 2300'.
If one strays outside of the safety lane in the first 500' of descent and initiates a go around one would note that the go around procedure for this particular approach is to climb rwy track to 1800'! The safety altitude for the airfield is 2300'.

What would be the correct course of action? Would one descend to 1800' outside the safety lane and below safety alt to comply with the missed approach or would one climb back up to the top of the procedure and also safety alt (2300'?)

Captain Charisma
4th Mar 2013, 03:11
One wonders what one is getting at here, one does.

4th Mar 2013, 05:04
Going around at 2100' when the MAP is to climb to 1800'. Do you continue to descend to 1800' if you're outside of the safety lane for an NDB approach and below safety alt?

Andy Mayes
4th Mar 2013, 06:52
It may be easier for people to attempt to answer if they could see the approach chart in question, it would certainly help me have a go at answering it accurately.

4th Mar 2013, 07:22
We need to know more information.

I am presuming its a procedural approach airport.

Personally I would decend down to the 1800 ft unless the controller knows and clears us for a different level.

The airport safety altitude will be from the surrounding 25miles but over the field it will be less. The minimum hold levels will take this into account. If you don't decend down to the plate level the lowest hold level or the procedural out bound may be full for the next procedural approach. So if you don't descend seperation will be lost.

So personally I would head towards the MAP't and once inside the tolerances for the approach decend down to the given Alt and fly the missed approach profile.

There will be another approach which will be from 1800ft but will keep you away from the reason why you were at 2300.

You get it very occassionally that a direct arrival DME arc approach will be higher platform alt than the procedure from the overhead.

So we will need to know procedural/radar enviroment.
The other approaches and what they use as a platform height.

Good Business Sense
4th Mar 2013, 20:55
If outside the PANS OPS/TERPS etc limits climb to MSA - you must, you do not have terrain clearance !

The obstacles are definitely there and you have every chance of hitting terrain - N.b. man made obstacles are often not on charts or properly accounted for outside the PANS OPS/TERPS limits.

There will be no traffic 500 feet above close to the go around track - and if you can think of the one in one million occasion where there might be I'd rather take my chance on this than gamble on the terrain. You will also be talking to ATC. In addition, TCAS will help.

6th Mar 2013, 21:54
Personally I would decend down to the 1800 ft unless the controller knows and clears us for a different level.

I would climb, especially if not established anymore, no one has ever collided with the sky!

7th Mar 2013, 06:25
It will be a big mast just inside 25 miles but at least 15 miles (I think) away from the airport.

There is further terrian protection outside the tolerance of the approach and if there was something to potentially hit the GA would take you above MSA.

I suspect you find a few approaches like this on the Norwegien Coast with high Mountians to the East but the airport on flat land or an island. All the procedures will have you out over water and they will have a direct arrival which will keep you high until the IAF but once past that the MSA locally drops to below the headline MSA.

That said there is nothing stopping you climbing to MSA as long as you have told the procedural controller before starting the procedure that thats what your doing in the event of missed approach.

Some airports depict this situation with a circle inside the normal 25 mile circle with a reduced MSA in the middle inside 15 DME.