View Full Version : Winnipeg ATC

2nd Mar 2013, 19:17
Hi there. Just thinking about applying for ATC. I am interested in Terminal Contorl or High Level ACC. Assuming I were to be accepted, where does the training for Winnipeg based controllers take place? Is it now in Winnipeg? I heard that it was based out of Cornwall in the past, maybe still is.

Question #2 - assuming I am accepted into training, what is the percentage that succeed? If I am motivated and don't quit, is there a chance after training that I will not be able to get a job with ACC?

3rd Mar 2013, 17:24
Cornwall is history. Your new training grounds are in Winnipeg, I believe at the ACC.
Unlike NCTI, you will have to provide for yourself and pay for your food and I believe until you are on the floor, there will be no pay.

Realistic percentages of success are 70% may pass theory and simulation and of that 50-60% will be licensed. So around 40-50% success rate.

Good luck, commit MANOPS IFR to memory.

4th Mar 2013, 20:02
Thanks, exactly the answers I was looking for.

Where does one find a current or semi-current copy of the MANOPS for the Winnipeg region?

5th Mar 2013, 19:42
I can't find any readily downloadable ones online that are current, the decade old version will not help you much.
This one here (http://www.docstoc.com/docs/81229724/ATC-Directive) you can view full page and probably print but the download is not free.

My suggestion is to go and visit the ACC, Winnipeg or St Andrews towers and ask politely if you can have a CD ROM MANOPS; they used to come in book version but now are CD only (maybe print for the school). In any case, they send so many revisions that they end up being used as coasters and I don't know if any controller actually owns one.

If you can get your hands on the training manual it would be great but I think the chances are slim to none as they are always updating it until two minutes before the course starts.

IFR is parts 4 5 and 6. I had commited almost every single paragraph verbatim to memory becuase 15 years ago at NCTI the tests were written, long hand, and if you missed an "AND", "IF", "OR" it changes the entire context.

I have not been with NavCan for a few years, I don't think any of this has changed.

Good luck in your path.