View Full Version : Stockholm radio phone patching

28th Feb 2013, 07:14
I would like know how to use Stockholm radio for phone patching. The procedure described by the service seems rather straightforward but there are a couple of things I would like to clarify.
So you contact the operator on the most appropriate HF frequency . The procedure says to allow 30 seconds for antenna positioning . Is this a period in which I may not get a reply and simply have to be patient and wait , or the operator will reply while trying to optimize his signal simultaneously ?
Then after giving your callsign , position and frequency used , you specify that you want to make a call. That’s the part which I want to clarify most . It seems there is a difference between asking to place a personal call , and wanting to contact your company . From what I can infer by reading the procedure , If you ask for a SELCAL check after initial contact , their standard procedure is for them to send a message to the ops/dispatch of the respective airline and advising that their flight has logged on to Stockholm radio and directly contactable via SELCAL . However i suspect that this refers to a standard for long haul flights . What if i am simply a regional airline and I want to contact my airline asap for a diversion? Will I say that I want to place a personal call to my airline? In that occasion the procedure says that they assign a discreet non aeronautical frequency . The description ends there.
So at the end of the day I am trying to find out how the procedure works , for wanting to contact my airline for any reason taking in account the above querries
Thank you

28th Feb 2013, 18:51
I haven't listened to Stockholm for quite some time, but I doubt if much will have changed.

As far as I am aware, you simply call on an appropriate frequency , wait for their reply (if you don't get one - try another frequency), give them the details & they will call you back with the call. They may direct you to another frequency for connection.

If your company has an account with them they will be charged. If not, or if it is a call which is not covered by the company, you'll have to open an account with them (or square the call with your company).

I think that's all there is to it. Try it & find out.

1st Mar 2013, 06:36
Thanks kcockayne (http://www.pprune.org/members/155823-kcockayne)