View Full Version : Air Berlin cutting 900 jobs

16th Jan 2013, 15:30
More sad news for EU Airline staff:

Germany's No. 2 airline, Air Berlin, to cut 900 jobs through 2014 | Fox News (http://www.foxnews.com/world/2013/01/15/germany-no-2-airline-air-berlin-to-cut-00-jobs-through-2014/)

el caballero rojo
21st Jan 2013, 09:17
Thanks for caring. At least somebody does.

el caballero rojo
21st Jan 2013, 18:04
Oh bad prospects. Where are you at?
Same crappy story all over Europe now days. Good luck to you too.

Cutting 900 Jobs in Air Berlin and creating some new ones here:

I am sure plenty off people will click the link and apply.
When you do, remember this: one day you will be pushed aside by somebody else who will fly for less then 3400 euros Gross as Captain on the EMB.

Like I said many times before. Aviation is going down the drain.

el caballero rojo
22nd Jan 2013, 13:16
You can thank all those who had a job but went to Vuelling for a cheap command. (Jejus I forgive you. Not easy if you have to feed 4 children without a job)
Same story here in Germany.

Mucha suerte.

27th Jan 2013, 09:18
In many Companies you can see a trend these days: Some carreer eager pimps want the fast track up and implement changes that are not allways for the best of the Company. After the error surfaces the "guilty" Guy cannot be held responsible anymore as he followed the call of his carreer and left the organisation for some greener pastures. His pockets get filled and his carreer another boost. Who cares about yesterday?

Now some lower paid people suffer the layoff´s, that does not help too much but sounds good for shareholders. The real cuts should be made by lease agreements and Management bonuses and gratifcations. That would get the numbers corrected towards the black. Now guess who ownes the Airplanes and leases them to AB ? Was there any meeting that the Board workes for significant less ? I doubt it.

Hunold left the front line to act from the back. Wait what comes next from AB.

el caballero rojo
27th Jan 2013, 16:41
I must say that you hit the nail on the head. The employees are really aware of what is going on. Understandable that nobody is willing to accept pay cuts.
You can't lay off people and in the meantime hire new cheap people from below. You can't expect people to give in when the board members fill their pockets with expensive leasing rates. I thought this was illegal.

27th Jan 2013, 19:21
So, will these be ex-Niki E190s? Does not surprise me they want to further lower costs. Hard to compete with Vueling which has a cheaper cost per ASM partly due to lower crew costs. I am sure the Middle Eastern airlines will be receptive to Air Berlin pilots if they are interested...

el caballero rojo
27th Jan 2013, 19:52
The Embraers belong to the race driver.
A large part of the A320's are leased from the guy who used to run the show at AB classic.
There is no clear goal where to take this company. All the former LTU routes that had a good yield are all gone (BKK,CPT,WDH,...) for what? Just to create growth potential for a ME carrier?????