View Full Version : Air Astana contract

High Energy
3rd Jan 2013, 17:30
I have been invited to attend a screening with Air Astana in Amsterdam. It's for a 1 year contract position on the Embraer.

Anyone any info on Air Astana's screening process? Questions/sim profile?

Also inside info on Air Astana is welcome. Atmosphere/company culture etc etc!

Thank you, (PM's welcome)

High Energy
5th Jan 2013, 05:26
Does anyone kno anyone working for Air Astana? Any up-to-date info on them is appreciated!!!

8th Jan 2013, 19:14
do you have type for emb?

High Energy
13th Jan 2013, 14:19
Yes I am Embraer 190 rated and current. Do you know anyone (on the Embraer) at Air Astana?

Any info on their assessment?

17th Jan 2013, 15:30
actually they are new on embs so no idea for present flyers for them.

High Energy
18th Jan 2013, 16:01
Thank you. What about Air Astana as a company? Any good?

20th Jan 2013, 17:55
hi - I am not a pilot - so don't have your language - but Astana, as with other airlines are tight with regard to money. so sometimes people housed in Astana itself may not get hot water in months. but since pilots are usually billeted in the Hilton that does not feature for you personally - just evidence of tight mindedness and less than real attention to the minions' needs. Guy who teaches aviation english is a loud canadian. find him and hear what he has to say. no leeway in HR dept if your needs don't match their needs and wants. found them to be particular:ugh: as usual pilots are seen as the major staffing expense - needed but a pain. Air Astana wants to grow with big plans in the region so may be worth the candle for a career move/build:hmm:

High Energy
21st Jan 2013, 18:21
Thanks! Hoping for a base in Almaty. Heard the stories about HR. So far, from my research, it looks like a good company to work for. I don't care if I work like a dog, I want to!

Looking for info on their screening, anyone???
Know it's sim, HR Skype interview and tech quiz. Details anyone???? Pls PM!!!

Gonzalo 767
2nd Feb 2013, 15:47
The interview is so easy, normal SIM, and few technical questions about system.

The good that Air Astana that always paid on time, that all.

The relation expat pilot with the company is so bad, no relation.

Is not a friendly company for expat, soviet mentality.

At this moment, all expat pilot are leaving, the conditions are so bad, and they do not give to you any facility.

About the contract is you coming to Embraer, your base will be Astana, during the winter time is really very cold.

High Energy
8th Feb 2013, 15:36
Many thanks for the reply! All Embraer positions are filled acc to the agents. Maybe next round.

13th Feb 2013, 19:15
Hello Gonzalo 767, What are the living conditions like in Almaty. I am looking at a possible interview with Astana soon and would like to know if they are still hotels for commuting pilots or do you have to rent your own apartment

19th Mar 2013, 20:30
Hi, I just passed the simulator check for Astana. In the next few day I will have the interview. They have offered me the Emb 190 with base in Astana.
I'm type rated type rated (not tape rated) and carrent........but I don't want to think at the winter ops.
I hope to meet you soon, at the moment I'm alone.

favete linguis
19th Mar 2013, 23:48
I'm tape rated and carrent:ugh:

I'm sure you'll measure up :rolleyes:

20th Mar 2013, 07:03
Not everybody in the world speaks perfect English. Keep in mind most places only require ICAO 4. Which by no means is a spelling bee.

21st Mar 2013, 20:26
I'm sorry for my mistake but......I had three interviews in four days.

11th Nov 2015, 14:46
Hi, I am reviving the thread hoping to hear some news about Air Astana. They are looking for 767-TR pilots through a few agencies.

Can anyone shed some light as to how good the company is at present and any insight on whether it's worth applying for as an FO?


11th Nov 2015, 15:24
Not sure about F/O positions, but they usually take normal type rated captains who are willing to work and don't mind the cold.

Known as a good employer of expat pilots.

You should be ok.:ok:

3rd Jun 2016, 16:25
I attempt the selection in Amsterdam with air astana. I meet 2 captains at the hotel where we went to the simulator. Basic questions about the airplane with little tricks like "do you have to turn the fuel pumps on to turn the apu?" "no" was my answer. he sais "right, because is powered by AC right?" "right". He said, "no, is DC" and said something in russian to the other captain. by the way, they speak russian ALL THE TIME with each other, and they laught. total disrespect. they speak english with you, but they dont care at all of not speak russian. They asked me a few questions about hyd.
They use EPR, so, you have to ask for CLIMB thrust on the TMSP. They wanted a visual but he wanted to vector me and that i used the auto pilot. He gave me a severe demage and a LOC app. The section is strange, they clearly do not like you and they are mean most of the times. They use LIDO charts.

7th Jun 2016, 06:39
Their terms and conditions are also way below what's on offer elsewhere. I have informed the recruiting agencies not to contact me if it is about this company. I cannot imagine why anyone would consider working there unless they completely are out of options, but there are always options.

26th Jun 2016, 18:46
I heared many things been changed,since first post published.
Of course,the mentality is different,but condition for expat pilots became much better,than for local,salaries higher and better accommodation.

25th Sep 2016, 19:19
How is the interaction between pilots and management? Expats and locals? How is safety?

Also, what is the timeline from application, interview and class date?

I have nearly 5000 hours on the Embraer with 1500 PIC. Is that competitive?

13th Mar 2017, 04:35
I wander if any of these replys have actually lived and worked there,Expats i mean. The place is a hole dangerous and really unfriendly. The company and the local pilots are not at all interested in comunicating as far as they are concerned you are there because they need you but they don't want you, you'll find that out soon enough when your permit nears running out and they tell you it'll be ok then when you come back in you get arrested and put in jail because the immigration like everyone else wants back handing. The local pilots hate you and the rubbish about upgrades is just that rubbish the unions won't have it.
I notice the "well respected airline" doesn't mention the people the get beaten in the streets and loose their medicals.
when positioning you have to travel coach unless you are a local pilot.
if you need the money then go but be under no illusion the reason they are always looking for pilots is because it's a rubbish airline and a rubbish place to live and work. Oh and just wait until you do winter ops there and people won't de-ice, because they know better.

25th Feb 2018, 19:17
I am thinking of going to Air Astana, and I would like to know if all A320īs are based in Almaty or Astana? Does anybody know around how much you fly yearly?
Do they have hangars in Astana?

Heard some positive things about Air Astana

Marlon Brando
28th Feb 2018, 08:28
I fly corporate, I don't know anything about Air Astana, but we fly often to Astana.
No pilots in my company likes this place. Strange city. Full of brand new huge buildings, empty !
Winter is crazy. And very long...like 8 months.
To live there would be awful. Communting maybe.

10th Sep 2018, 15:18
As an expat if the intention is a quick upgrade Air Astana does not sound a true option. The "potential upgrade opportunity after 6 month" seen in every advertisement is just a decoy to attract experienced pilots looking for it, since they need it very much to fill their "stock".

No one is upgraded with less than 3 years, and even after such period you need to be lucky and patient enough to please them with their mindset to fly, with in general a poor CRM. Local pilots definitely don't like expat as they hate to speak English, the communications with cabin crew are mostly in Russian and you are mostly ignored as if you are not there.

The salary for locals is considerably lower than the expats, which feeds a cold and not friendly atmosphere as they are around 80% of total, it's like to say Air Astana needs you but they don't. And still after all these points you depend on the local instructors and examiners to be, after a long time, referred for an assessment, which is definitely not an easy thing. Just try to find out how many expats where upgraded along all this years and you will see the truth.

But the pilots' dissatisfaction is not a problem for them because they are always performing nonstop screenings every month for all fleets, and if you are not happy you are very welcome to leave because they always have a good stock to replace you. This way they can always have experienced FO's without further issues. Two positive things are firstly a not bad salary for the cost of living in Kazakhstan, which is low and the good maintenance kept in all fleets .

If you are looking for recency and/or really need a job it looks a good option, but if your goal is the the upgrade this can become a huge frustration and loss of a precious time.

10th Sep 2018, 22:09
Latest agency advertisement for them: CP 320 @ 9k EUR gross for 6w/2w commuting. Snowballs in Hell ...

Maybe for non-EASA types from around the region, that might be the target group.

17th Jan 2019, 12:18
I have noticed Air Astana is always advertising for A320 pilots. Is the company expanding their routes, increasing flight frequencies or just have a very high turnover rate?
They have up coming sim screening in Miami FL. Can any current or former pilots talk about the pros & cons of working for Air Astana!

17th Jul 2020, 20:05
The epidemiological situation in Kazakhstan is not looking very good for now, they're in a second lockdown until the end of July. Strangely enough, this doesn't affect domestic flights. Domestic services run with almost their pre-pandemic frequency, international ones are very limited though. Air Astana are planning on establishing a cargo division with the 767s.

Job applications via CAE have not been open for quite a while now. Whether that's temporary or Air Astana will only work with Sigma for now, I have no clue.

23rd Aug 2020, 20:56
Apologies in advance. I am quite sure that it is not the right moment. I am a "Wannabe" Soon graduate with an integrated EASA ATPL with only 250 hours. I never lived in Kazakhstan but I happen to be of Kazakh descent. Do you guys know what are the prospect for AA for FO ? In addition to that, culturally, how difficult is it for a female to adapt(if I look Kazakh outside, I am totally Westerner inside.) Btw I can easily get a KZ passport

23rd Aug 2020, 23:02
For nationals and expats the routes are completely different. Nationals are the only ones who get local labour contracts. Expats are hired exclusively via crewing agencies, mostly Sigma and CAE. Also, the zero-experience options are open to nationals only. So, if you are willing to commit to Air Astana long-term, getting a passport (maybe as a second citizenship?) might be worth looking into.

As for the prospects - plans are changing as fast as the situation... There have been talks of postponing the big Airbus order, establishing a cargo division with the B767 and whatnot else. Hopefully the dust will settle soon enough so that there's a more clear picture of what Air Astana and FlyArystan will look like post-COVID. But I am reasonably optimistic about the outlook, bearing in mind the geography of Kazakhstan and the fact that on most origin-destination pairs flying remains the only practical way to get there and back within a reasonable time period.

24th Aug 2020, 11:38
I attended their selection process and all interviews. I can clearly inform you that if you can have KZ passport, you can have the job. However, I heard that they are asking 500 hours on jet type over 20.000 kg. If there will be a problem with your application, this 500 hours item only can create any discrepancy.

24th Aug 2020, 11:40
Thank you LZ. Very useful information.

10th Sep 2020, 13:15
Hey JJJ,

Did you interview recently? I sent off an application back in April but heard nothing from the agency since.

Cheers in advance

Whispering Giant
10th Sep 2020, 20:29
The last I heard on the recruitment front from Air Astana, is that all recruitment has stopped and will not be happening anytime soon due to the current pandemic from Covid19.

14th Sep 2020, 21:32
PBSniper, sorry for the late reply.

I got my process far earlier than April 2020. Their approach to me during the process was absolutely optimistic. The Nursultan (former Astana) is an amazing city. The city has the Finest touches of former Soviet art and modern art. People are amazing and the food was splendid. UACC airport reflects traditional Kazakh style well. Also, I had a chit chat with another candidate that the conditions of Air Astana/Fly Arystan were absolutely fine for an initial career.

I mentioned about all matter which can affect to the former situation at my above post. On that time, they were looking for pilots with a current Boeing757/767, Airbus 320 or Embraer 170-190 type rating with 500 hours on the type or 500 hours on the passenger aircraft over 20.000 tonnes.

Unfortunately, I must point out that this pandemic COVID19 just destroyed almost all hopes for new pilots significantly and dramatically. Any experienced aviation employee or pilot can claim that new doors for new pilots (fATPL holders) may open by 2021. However, we keep our hopes high.

Kind regards

26th Nov 2021, 18:09
Any update info about post Covid T&C in Air Astana? It looks like they are start hiring again. I have been asked to send them some docs.