View Full Version : BA retirement age

The Range
3rd Jan 2013, 14:34
Can someone tell at what age can BA pilots retire with full benefits?

Hotel Mode
3rd Jan 2013, 14:51
Depends which benefits? I presume you mean Pension? I'm which case normal retirement date is 65, but as everyone would pay in different amounts there is no 'Full benefit'.

The Range
3rd Jan 2013, 19:33
I thought they could retire at 55

3rd Jan 2013, 19:44
They can retire at 55 if they wish. And they can retire anytime beyond 55 but need written permission from the company if they want to carry on working after the age of 65. With the many changes to the scheme (and different build-up rates) it's very difficult to quantify what "full benefits" actually mean! :cool:

The Range
3rd Jan 2013, 21:56
And what benefits they'll get if they retire at 55 or after?

3rd Jan 2013, 22:23
It was the case, a few years back, that BA captains had to retire from the left seat at 55, but could continue as SFOs until 60; has this now stopped?

4th Jan 2013, 05:57
Retirees will get a percentage of their pensionable pay. A max of 2/3 (in common with other final salary schemes) plus any AVCs accrued. That's about it! :cool:

4th Jan 2013, 06:19
If you are on a retirement plan of 55 , then you can draw your benefits at 55. If you are on the 65 plan, you can take the benefits at any age from 55,but the pension is reduced because of the early payment.
So, I guess the answer is a BA pilot can retire at any age from 55 to 65, depending on how much pension he/she decides they need to live on.

Right Engine
4th Jan 2013, 06:34
In 2006, BA was forced because of EU Employment Regulations, to raise the retirement age from 55 to 65. This 10 year raise 'washes out' 10 years after 2006 in, you guessed it, 2016.
It has caused untold stresses within BA/BALPA.

4th Jan 2013, 06:57
Not to mention the annoyance and indignation of those of us who were forced out at 55 just before the law change.

4th Jan 2013, 07:17
I'm probably wrong, but the OP posts are rather short and direct... and all the helpful info thereafter maybe helping a (potential) divorce and/or lawyer extract a fair degree of someone's pension :{

Suggest unless the OP gives some more credible info on why and what they need to know, leave them searching :oh:

4th Jan 2013, 10:53
It was the case, a few years back, that BA captains had to retire from the left seat at 55, but could continue as SFOs until 60; has this now stopped?

Not sure how widespread that ever was - as far as I recall it was done very very briefly for reasons I can no longer remember on the 744 a while back (I'm talking mid '90s). It certainly didn't ever become the "norm" across the company.

Callsign Kilo
4th Jan 2013, 11:18
A CRM disaster possibly?

4th Jan 2013, 14:18
Not to mention the annoyance and indignation of those of us who were forced out at 55 just before the law change.

50% Part-time at easyJet was not that bad was it Wingswinger..?

Count Niemantznarr
4th Jan 2013, 15:08
There were a lot of BA Captains who went from the left hand seat of a BA 747 aged 55 to a VIRGIN or SIA one to age 60, plus had their big fat BA pensions being paid at the same time. Nice work if you can get it!

Unfortunately they could not afford to retire, third marriage, young kids going to uni, villa in Malaga with large yacht...

Juan Tugoh
4th Jan 2013, 15:09
Ah Count, is the green-eyed monster raising it's ugly head?

Count Niemantznarr
4th Jan 2013, 15:16
Now things are more convivial for the Hounslow Flying Club (members only by private invitation). They don't even have to leave BA!

To create a few promotion opportunities for desperately ambitious and frustrated First Officers, BA is having to 'chum the water' with a six months severance offer to encourage the Fat Cats to leave.

Juan Tugoh
4th Jan 2013, 15:42
Yep, definitely the green-eyed monster at work.

Sir George Cayley
4th Jan 2013, 17:07
Not sure if 50% pay will sway many. Unless there are other sweetners in the package like unlimited Concorde tickets.

4th Jan 2013, 19:31
Not sure if 50% pay will sway many. Unless there are other sweetners in the package like unlimited Concorde tickets.

Funny SGC - most of the Breitling Mach 2 brigade came over due to the retirement of Concorde!

Even the ones who lived in Jersey yet couldn'd afford a razor :ok:

I've said it beŁore but Ł80k+ a year after being kicked out for 15 days a month at ezy but not needing to touch your pension is superb work.

Starting the crossword at 10,000ft never looked so good..!

9th Jan 2013, 06:44
50% Part-time at easyJet was not that bad was it Wingswinger..?

Not quite right, Craggy. 100 % and it's in the present tense. Needs must, not everyone has a huge APS pension. Anyway, compared to a command on any fleet at BA? Come on!