View Full Version : Is Cathay Pacific worth joining now?

ken holmes
16th Apr 2002, 11:20
I read the drivel on these pages and am none the wiser about what Pilots are actually talking about. Can anybody say clearly what is wrong and right with joining Cathay Passenger or Cargo at the present time. Thankyou.

16th Apr 2002, 11:41
I hear they have put the A scale salaries back in place, so on the strenght of that it probably is. An F/O in Hong Kong is on £70-80,000 a year apparently.

fire wall
16th Apr 2002, 12:18
hey chucky,....perhaps your input is needed elsewhere...do you think?

dynamite dean
16th Apr 2002, 17:32
I agree Ken just speaking to a chapo today Cathay is the best of a bad bunch go for it I plan to go for it as well mate -

Good or bad flying is flying sometimes I think the estabilished chaps forget this I guess it's easy to be engulfed in the swirl of negativity of day to day running of the company - and think there's 49 pilots been sacked which means 49 extra jobs!!!:eek:

18th Apr 2002, 04:34
Cathay have not reinstated A scales for F/O's.

Big Dog's
18th Apr 2002, 19:17
I did hear that there was a chance that current B Scale SFOs would go on to the A scale on promotion to Captain. Any truth in this one? My impression is that CX will be looking to recruit later in the year...any chance that they will go back to having direct entry FOs on the pax fleet?

Don't call me a scab, I've all ready said I cannot join until the ban is lifted, but I am keen to find out what the outlook is for later in the year. Sensible and intelligent replies if you please.


18th Apr 2002, 23:34
Not a chance of Cathay taking direct entry FO's onto the Pax fleet. There would be hell tp pay, considering that there are 200+ SO's who are more than capable of doing the job. Not to mention more senior.
If you want direct entry Fo position your only option is the Freighter fleet, and only after the recruitment ban is lifted.

Once a scab always a scab.

Big Dog's
19th Apr 2002, 16:55
Try reading what I wrote Fuzzy. Some of us have turned down job offers having started the recruitment process well over a year ago. The reason is that we are not scabs. As for the Direct Entry FO question, I'll try speaking to one of the grown ups some time. Thanks for not much-to be honest, I don't know why I am dignifying your reply by responding. Ho hum!