View Full Version : AIR TAXI @ light twin engines

11th Dec 2012, 14:22
HI all.

I don't like to buy a line training to become a puppet-pilot for 500 h and being at the same point some months later.

So i decided to try something else,starting from 0 , i hope it's a good idea.
1_ let's assume i'd want to buy an airplane in sharing with some other people, obviously, to take people from one island to another, say in some caribbean island where i could stay and live.
Does any company lease this kind of a/c for working purposes to a private entity?
Is a practice that someone tried before or maybe am i a dreamer?
2_what 's the best light twin engines airplane with the most lasting characteristics/price/.. for 4 - 6 passengers ,eg. Cessna 310 , 340, Baron . ..

thank you for your answers.

joe grind
11th Dec 2012, 16:20
very unlikely that any Carib CAA would ever issue you an AOC

11th Dec 2012, 17:28
agreed with Joe, nobody will give you an AOC that easy. You will have to spend A LOT OF MONEY to do it, is not just buying the plane, thats the cheapest cost and the easiest thing to do.

Good choice on dont pay for fly, unfortunately that is what is taking our profession down.

Regards from the Caribbean

12th Dec 2012, 10:01
thank you for your answer guys!

yes indeed, it seems really expensive and not applicable to me!

Do you think it would be difficult the same , gaining an authorization to pick up some tourists and let them taking some photos all around the islands, as an intial job?


Flying Mechanic
13th Dec 2012, 01:15
Yes it be difficult. On any Caribbean island, you need a work permit for a start.On any Caribean island there are local operators, they will make life difficult for you if you start hiring out your plane and stealing there business. I give you this advice based on working down there in 2003/04, flying aztec's /402/ Senecas. I worked for a co with a AOC, that's the only way.Save your $$$$$$

13th Dec 2012, 07:01
Sorry about posting another question on your thread RACCATO.

Hey Guys,
Reading your posts, I'm assuming, some of you may have at some point flown in the Caribbean or maybe still living there!!

I have a work permit for the Cayman Islands and will be working as a Server in a restaurant there and hope to be there any time in the next 2 weeks.

I have an FAA Single Engine CPL but as there are no jobs in India at all (nationality Indian as well) and I have a loan to pay off, my dad got me a way to at least work there and save some $$ thru his friend.

I was thinking about trying to see if I can get sort off flying done side by side to build experience.

According to your experiences, do you think, I have a slight chance of landing up any sort of gig for the same, maybe in the other islands, if not Cayman.

Any advice/criticism appreciated.

Thanks!! Safe flying!!

4th Jan 2013, 22:36
You will need to write a ton of manuals in order to get yourself an AOC it can take years to get them approved, you really can`t just use any airplane.

Unless you are local or have friends in the govt, it will be very hard.

I was going to start my own company in the South Pacific, while I was flying there Part 91, the airplane is not the problem, the big deal is getting an AOC...

well then you also need to make money, looking at the current operators not many are doing it..

In Belize a Canadian company was just up for sale, everything: AOC and planes...they wanted 1/2 mio USDs

17th Mar 2013, 03:30
Which Canadian company in Belize?

26th Mar 2013, 00:15
Javier's Flying Service

2nd Apr 2013, 03:45
Mmmm...Interesting info about "Javiers", wonder what makes them throw in the towel?, lack of business, lack of capital to expand, just tired of perhaps fighting with Government ?

I was of the impression Belize was looking for more airlift, butthen again Belize is Belize!


8th Apr 2013, 01:32
I think the owner is just retiring, it`s very hard to run a company like that, have flown for a similar outfit and my boss was like on top of the game 7 days a week 365 days a year, at that point even living in Paradise won`t make a difference, my boss tried several time to expand into turbines (caravan) it`s really too much for a small family run outfit...I think it was the same for Javiers.

I think the domestic market in Belize is saturated, and there is not a big demand for charters..the current companies are expanding routes to Mexico, Honduras, Guatemala...

8th May 2013, 22:13
How about being based out of Puerto Rico or the US Virgin Islands? With a FAA certificate, and flying to other caribbean islands. There's a couple of small operations that I've heard of based there.

There are companies that lease light aircraft to flight schools, so I'm guessing leasing a plane wouldn't be a problem, but a light twin like an Aztec/Seneca/C401/Baron is relatively cheap to acquire.

8th May 2013, 22:40
I fly for one of those companies Diego, but to get a part 135 certificate is NOT EASY it can take a lot of years to get it. :(