View Full Version : EASA CPL

26th Nov 2012, 19:57
I've held a CPL for the past nineteen years. My current licence is due to expire in few days time. I applied to FCL for an EASA CPL seven weeks ago. I've since emailed them twice to check on my application's progress (no replies received), and spoken to them over the phone. Today I've spoken to them again, and been told that my application will hopefully be looked at this week. I've pointed out that without the licence I soon won't be able to go to work, earn a living, etc. I was told that if they don't manage to get a licence out to me then I will indeed not be able to fly. I got the impression that they didn't find this overly unreasonable. I'm guessing that I may not be the only person currently experiencing this type of problem. My boss has written to FCL today. I don't know what else I can do...???

26th Nov 2012, 23:03
Not necessarily particularly easy, but I understand that if you turn up in person at the FCL enquiry desk at Gatwick at about 0830 then it will be done that day and should be ready by lunchtime. (I'm assuming it's a UK licence you need to renew).

26th Nov 2012, 23:03
It sounds like you out of the country so i'm guessing you could not go down to the CAA to pick it up?
I'm guessing they have changed the turn over time to 25 days now instead of the 10, someone mentioned they were going to do this.

27th Nov 2012, 08:31
Yes, I had the same problem. If you've advised them that it's about to lapse then they should hurry it through.
They will do their best but it is frustrating.

Flying Beancounter
27th Nov 2012, 11:39
Yes mine took 43 working days. I needed to renew my JAA licence as it had less than six months to run and I needed a foreign validation. I telephoned Licensing & Training Standards at Gatwick mid-September and they said it will take about 20 working days (rather than the usual 10) due to the transition to EASA.
The advice on the CAA website was subsequently changed to 20 days and eventually 25 days.
It has recently changed to:
"Please be aware that we are currently experiencing high volumes of applications due to the transition to EASA.
In order for us to process these applications as quickly and efficiently as possible please refrain from calling us to chase your application.
Your patience is greatly appreciated"
In other words we don't know how long it will take but please leave us alone!
Of course the slow down in processing has itself caused more problems as pilots face the risk of not being able to work and try to chase the situation. Some of this extra work could have been avoided if the CAA website had been updated earlier to reflect the true waiting time.
Given that the UK has decided to be an "early adopter" of the EASA Licence it would have been useful if the CAA had got all its systems in place and working before launch.

27th Nov 2012, 12:22
Thank you all for your responses. I could drive down from the Derby area, but I'm not sure that it would do me a lot of good. The whole situation is ridiculous. I guess that I'll just have to wait and see what happens. I don't know what I'll do if it hasn't appeared by the weekend. I'm a paid by the hour instructor who was already stuggling to pay the bills. This could wipe out any savings that I still have. It's all rather stressful. I hate to think how long newly qualified pilots are going to have to wait for their licences.

27th Nov 2012, 12:58
They've had mine since the 8th October. If you do drive down make sure you go early, if I heard correctly by 9am the other day all the on the day slots were full.