View Full Version : CHIRP CEO Replacement

22nd Nov 2012, 08:04
CHIRP's current CEO, Peter Tait, has announced his impending retirement and advertisements have appeared in Flight International and in FlightGlobal for would-be replacements to apply for his job.

It would be a great pity if CHIRP withered on the vine for lack of suitable candidates, but hopefully the message will get out that people that have experience in aviation and are motivated by promoting safety should contact CHIRP before early December.

Agaricus bisporus
22nd Nov 2012, 09:36
Well let's hope and pray that we get someone as dedicated and principled as Peter, and not some tame poodle put in there to do as he is told by the industry, like our esteemed "regulator" the CAA is.

Right Engine
23rd Nov 2012, 00:51
CHIRP has already withered on the vine as far as pilots are concerned.

I used to enjoy reading it. It is now thrown in the bin without opening. Give us pilots our own magazine to be read by pilots only.