View Full Version : SKYMARK

17th Nov 2012, 07:02
Just a note to all about working in Japan.
If you are considering it maybe its time to wait SKYMark is not all its cut out to be i.e. 1 year training no home visits, hard working 95 hrs plus per month, but remember japan duty law is nothing, so duty can be 3 x this with less than 12hrs rest as normal.
Many contract companies offering sell back days at high price. you think $$$$
actually they pay only a day you work = you sell 12 days they give you 10 stby = 2 day pay and stuck in japan at their device.
And they are using this as a cheaper option than to crew to requirement.
initial course pass rate is 30% at mo so you could be looking for new job sooner than u think.

Take a good look !!!!!

19th Nov 2012, 01:56
Second this re Skymark.

The assessment day is a farce. There are dark forces at work here.

Do not put your hand in your own pocket to attend a screening with these guys. They do not want any more expats.

19th Nov 2012, 11:35
I wished I never went out for my assessment. Waste of f'in time and money.

The Dominican
19th Nov 2012, 21:05
I've been reading posts by the PPRUNE world economic experts predicting the end of the Japanese aviation industry for over 7 years now, if it wasn't SARS it was the tension with North Korea, then the economical downturn in 2008, then the JAL bankruptcy, the political turmoil that had Japan changing prime ministers more than some change underwear, now the tensions with China. On the mean time, all the airlines are growing, the loads of both passengers and cargo are very good, even JAL is paying sign in bonuses to the pilots they fired to get them to come back and the word around the watering holes is that they will hire expats again early next year. Do all these situations I mentioned had an impact? Of course, but all have been transient in nature.
If you want to argue that the jobs at SKY and JetStar are to be avoided because they are just ****ty jobs, that has merit. But if the argument is that the end is near, I look forward to your episode of "Dooms day preppers":rolleyes:

24th Nov 2012, 12:02
The Dominican

did you hear JAL will hire gaijins next year??
Can you give more info if you have, pm if you want

Thank you very much

Very sorry for the off topic

The Dominican
24th Nov 2012, 22:19
I'll start working on the resume right away:)

28th Nov 2012, 04:08
You become an JCAB ATPL pilot once you pass your Sim Check. After that you will still jump a few more hurdles before you are giving the blessing to operate on the line as a Captain, i.e. you will need to pass a JCAB administered Route check as well.

Pass/Fail rate is not the same as comparing how many starts a class and how many are left after the final route check.

Some quit, some are fired, other fail and a few skids through without any visible marks on their bodies :-)

10th Dec 2012, 19:56
Could someone give some info on the Skymark interview? what kind of questions, and anything extraordinary on the sim check? thanks