View Full Version : Sky airlines, ayt, has stopped salary payment to all crews!!!

28th Oct 2012, 10:26
SKY Airlines, AYT, Turkey has been in financial trouble for a long time and has now STOPPED completely payment of salaries to ALL flying crews!!
They have been up to 20 days late with EVERY payment of salaries to all flying crews the last year since Mr Tahir Gorgulu was dumb enough to start domestic flights last year and lost an INCREDIBLE amount of money despite warnings from his pilots and financial advisors that this market was saturated and he should forget about it imediately!!
September paychecks not paid yet and neither October to ANY crews!!!
CEO and sole owner Mr. Tahir Gorgulu is totally ignorant to his employees and have not even tried to talk to them and get their cooperation!
It seems like Mr. Tahir have BIG financial problem with the remaining hotel Adam & Eva and pulling money from what should be the staff's salaries to cover up for the hotel loss and also doing new investments somwere else.
He is now reported to several European CAA's and police departments and they are ready to arrest any SKY aircraft arriving Europe if payments to the crews for September and October are not done within 48 hours.
The pilots have also secretly announced to start