View Full Version : Super-cub PA18-90 or 95 or 100 POH speeds and flight manual

22nd Oct 2012, 07:58
Hi everyone

I have a flight manual or two of the pa18-90 and 95
but they are all in MPH and i would love one in KNOTS
i can do the conversion, but it would be nice to get an official
copy/version as they sometimes are set for simplicity etc
that or some operating data, maybe from a training organization
or something?
any help would be great, Thanks

22nd Oct 2012, 10:43
Be much better to get a `French` manual,then you can `go metric`...impress your friends by flying along at 180,,,kph(110 mph)(97kts)!!

23rd Oct 2012, 00:47
currently i have :

Va 94mph 82kts
Vno 110mph 96kts
Vs 42mph 37kts
Vx 57mph 50kts
Vy 70mph 60kts
Vne 138mph 120kts
Vcruise100mph 87kts
glide 70mph 60kts

any comments?

Piltdown Man
14th Nov 2012, 07:32
What on earth do you want figures for a Cub for? They are either better than manufactured, modified or so old and knackered that any numbers are meaningless. These are real seat-of-the-pants aircraft. Which is what makes them so appealing.


15th Nov 2012, 03:43
Thanks everyone, flew it today, cubs are awesome fun :D

18th Nov 2012, 20:13
i would have the possibilities to buy a pristine super cub....

How expensive is it to keep it in Europe...
any figures one can calculate on?

21st Nov 2012, 21:08
Bonzaii, back when those were built the US standard for general aviation was mph. I seriously doubt any manuals were printed in knots. There were some versions built for the US Army, but I expect those (early fifties) were in mph as well. Some were shipped overseas, but what units those airspeed indicators / flight manuals were in is anybody's guess, that long ago. Of course, such manuals for more modern Super Cubbies are available, but those are all 150/160 hp. Hell, once you get some experience in the thing you won't need the airspeed indicator anymore anyway. :)

Dan the weegie
30th Nov 2012, 09:55
Flaphandlemover, it depends which model, whether it's on a CofA, annexe2 or Experimental.
How many hours on the engine and which model? If it's a 150 I'd estimate a sensible price for a pristine one between £30k - £40k
For a 95 like mine a nice one will be about £25k and a shabby one about £19k

The residuals are good on them and everything on it is easily fixable. They are lovely aircraft to own, not just to fly.