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10th Apr 2002, 23:47
Hi yall,

I was just wondering how much professional pilots make?? Which airlines are the best to work for? What are some benefits? Do you enjoy flying commercial?

11th Apr 2002, 23:01
To carry on the answer of davidlucas2002 in the questions-forum of this same subject...
David, I really wish I could live in your world!

Big Kahuna Burger
12th Apr 2002, 15:00
Re other thread in Questions:

having looked at your posts, I have concluded that you really dont know what you are talking about.

You are WAY off the mark with your figures and are just following the age old myth that Pilots get paid a shed load. It just isnt the case. I would humbly suggest that in this forum, you should only post answers on topics that you REALLY KNOW SOMETHING ABOUT.

Speak to BALPA.org, the British Airline Pilots Assocition if you really want to see the actual (not fairy tale) salary scales.

Do a search, within the Terms and Endearment forum on salaries and you will find that pay varies MASSIVLEY across the industry, but so does the amount of work that you need to do, to get that wage....

All my mates who work in IT or Sales etc take home significantly more than me.