View Full Version : China Postal Airlines

miles offtarget
20th Sep 2012, 11:10

Anyone been through (or even passed) the selection process at China Postal recently, I understand that candidates are examined on about 350 pages of translated ATPL theory and the sim ride is rather high intensity ?

Any hints and tips gratefully received.

de facto
20th Sep 2012, 13:03
The question bank of the CAAC Atpl is around 350 questions,some in english,some in chinglish.
Out of the 350 questions ,at least a third are recurrent ones.
They arent difficult,just a memory exercise.

Concerning the sim ride,all initial CAAC checks(for issuance of licence) are intense indeed.
Got to earn that money:E

7Q Off
1st Apr 2013, 21:29
any idea about the schedule? any layovers ?

1st Apr 2013, 22:44
Why is the advertised pay there so low compared to other chinese jobs???

18th Sep 2013, 14:50
fair play, have you ever seen the shape of the 737's they have in NKG !

Good Luck, you will need it

6th Mar 2014, 18:57
Anyone know about the schedule and how many hours a month are flown?

10th Sep 2014, 06:25
I thought the pay looked reasonable.
Can anyone give an impression of the city and also the rosters and working conditions? For example, as it is postal I imagine it is mainly night flying, is that correct?