View Full Version : Flight test book review

16th Sep 2012, 08:40
I cannot find anymore the "Flight test book review" thread.

Has anyone any clue?

Mark 1
16th Sep 2012, 16:31
It looks like all posts by Genghis have been removed.

I suspect that this is a moderator action for personal or legal reasons, but can't think of any obvious reason.

Hopefully, this will be remedied soon.

Pilot DAR
16th Sep 2012, 18:30
A very unhappy situation exists at present, the collateral result is some very good threads are unavailable, including the book thread.

Mark1 is on the right track. Stay tuned....

18th Sep 2012, 07:07
Thank you for your answers.
I still don't understand why the book reviews were deleted. I don't remember of any offending content, nor how they could have otherwise broken any rule.
It cannot be a punishment, as a punishment should penalize the perpetrator, and not the ordinary forum users.

18th Sep 2012, 07:19
I've bee through several posts about that matter.

1. I've just registered with another forum, as I suppose other members will, it's an unexpected (small) loss of market share for pprune owners.

2. I wish that Genghis eventually sets up his own blog/forum/website, from where he would freely broadcast his immense knowledge to us all.