View Full Version : Norwegian Long Haul

Flying Box
15th Sep 2012, 12:32
Greetings !

I have just received a briefing from an agency regarding stated positions with Norwegian Long Haul on the B787.

The most important issue for me to resolve is the matter about the industrial matter with reagrds to non Norwegian pilots applying for these positions.

The last thing i want to do, is walk into a "your not welcome" here situation.

It has nothing to do with the terms of the contract, but all to do with working in a job without looking over your shoulders all the time.

I have always paid my union dues ...


16th Sep 2012, 11:19
The long haul operation is being set up as a separate entity, possibly/probably with an AOC out of Norway, a hub outside of Norway, and, AFAIK , very few "Norwegian" Norwegian pilots have applied for the "leave of absence" required to complete the contract.
A colleague, who has been accepted ,described the proposed roster to me, and it sounds a whole lot better than initially anticipated. I think T's & C's are not yet 100% finalised, as I believe the volume/quality of applications were a little below their expectations.

Due to the way the long haul division is being administered I doubt the Union will find themselves with anything to say in the matter, and the pilot corp will be fairly international, so you shouldn't have much trouble. The operation is "Norwegian" in name only.

16th Sep 2012, 22:13
Hi dude ,
Thanks for the precisions , thought about that but wasn't sure !
Did you friend got a reply quickly ? Put my application not so far ago in the process but no news yet .


17th Sep 2012, 08:10
He is already in NAX as Contract FO (737) so not the same scenario I guess.

20th Sep 2012, 11:47
Does anyone actually know the contract term for the B787 based in Bangkok ?

What is the pay etc

Flying Box
20th Sep 2012, 14:21
The Terms on offer are

9,000.00 Euro Pay
1,000.00 Euro Per Diem

8 days Off per month

2 days leave per month that can be added to the days Off or taken at the end of the contract period

3 year contract

20th Sep 2012, 15:11
As far as I remember , total payment from which you are responsible for taxes/social charges/ accomodation at (BKK) base, was Capt 10,000€ Crz Capt 7500€ / FO 6000€.
I have been told that initially you will have 1 block of 10-12 days off a mth in BKK (either stay or commute back to Scandilands or wherever) + days off in Scandinavia between East & Westbound flights, with changes expected to this pattern when more aircraft join.

If you have the required experience I would imagine Rishworth will be only too happy to provide details, as I am led to believe the offer has not been over-subscribed by those with the requisite experience. For this reason, it could of course get better before Ops commence, let's see.

21st Sep 2012, 16:47
Was it Risworth who gave you those info or "heard it" .....on their website they claim god salary + per diem + accommodation + transport incl .....??

Has anyone actually received the actual contract to consider ?

21st Sep 2012, 21:17
How is it possible at all to get qualified long haul pilots with these conditions?

All other airlines recruiting in the same market, like Air China, China Southern etc are offering USD 200-220.000 annual "tax paid China", in addition to offering bases in Dusseldorf, Madrid, Australia and north Amerika.

Why do anyone choose the Norwegian long haul lottery at these conditions...?

22nd Sep 2012, 05:58
Faster Stronger....thank you for the info

Then I will guess Captain salary will be 10.000 Euro as Cruise Captain is 7000 Euro.

The point is not if anyone will take the job or not and if unemployed it would be quite arrogant to not take any job in order to pay the bills.

Well, not the best contract terms, however should there be a lack of pilots applying the companies normally change the terms to be more attractive.

15th Oct 2012, 18:53
What is the latest on this guys? Have they filled their intitial positions...do people have course dates?

23rd Oct 2012, 17:56
How is it going?

28th Oct 2012, 14:23
How is it possible at all to get qualified long haul pilots with these conditions?

China is only recruiting time on type Captains and very little to no SFO and FO hiring at Chinese carriers. The medicals in China are also extremely disqualifying. Typical pass rates are less than 50% and recurrent medicals have turned into astronaut physicals. Most pilots in China last only 2-3 years. For this reason the Thailand 787 position is appealing along with the Thailand lifestyle and a new shiny aircraft. Pay is better in China currently but at a much more difficult flying and living environment. If you want several years of rolling the dice and making the big bucks China is a fair opportunity. If you want a new shiny 787 and live in Thailand then the Norwegian option is a better suit.

28th Oct 2012, 14:47
I dont know anything about the medicals, but the ones I know who are working for chinese companies are definetely not astronauts... And as far as I can see, all major chinese companies are offering bases worldwide; EU, Australia and Canada. And; A330 captains employed among A320 rated captains.

28th Oct 2012, 15:39
Most of the foreign bases offered by Chinese carriers turn out to be a hoax. Look at the recent mass exodus of A-330 pilots who left China Southern due to inconsistencies in their contract about Sydney and other overseas bases. Also ask Hainan pilots about their actual bases or simply layovers called bases. My last recurrent medical consisted of the standard eyes, hearing, and ekg then ultrasounds tests of the heart, caratoid artery of the neck and a brain mri scan. I also had an ultrasound done on my abdomen for possible kidney stones and gall bladder sludge. The blood tests were 3 full vials of blood testing 37 parametrs and urine analysis testing 5 parameters. A full body x-ray scan, a 24 hour blood pressure monitor, a treadmill heart stress test, and a 24 hour holter ekg monitor.

8th Nov 2012, 11:37
Norwegian announces its new long-haul Boeing 787 Dreamliner routes and schedules | World Airline News (http://worldairlinenews.com/2012/11/08/norwegian-announces-its-new-long-haul-boeing-787-dreamliner-routes-and-schedules/)

Anybody got a date for an assessment recently ?

29th Nov 2012, 00:01
NAS Long Haul (via Rishworth) Contracts have been sent out (at least for Captains).The contract is an agreement between a Singaporean based company and the "client" (pilot).Commuting is possible. Tax will be for the "clients" responsibility. Start date for B787 TR in March 2013.Possibly Seattle.

Regarding Chinese jobs: The pass rate was less than 50% for the medicals when I did my Chinese medical a few years ago. Quite frankly their method of testing candidates was a wholly embarrassing debacle. Sure the Chinese recruiters advertise $200k but this is only the "possible" earnings including housing, schooling, transport, fuel saving bonus, safety bonus. You have to submit receipts reimbursements. If you commute you will not be entitle to a housing allowance…..unless you submit a receipt. A contract with a Chinese company is a one way negotiable contract....during its tenure! Good luck.

And.....Thailand is "Amazing". Living as an expat in Thailand is very, very easy. Thousands of expats live in Thailand and a system to make it very easy to live as an expat in Thailand. All you need, as an INDIVIDUAL (not even company sponsored) to rent a place or buy a car is copy of your passport and a "visitor's" entry to Thailand stamp in your passport. A friend of mine lived in Thailand for 15 years coming and going every month as a "visitor" - never a question asked by immigration as long as he did not stay more than 30 days at a time. After all, it is the land of Smiles. :) Go Figure!