View Full Version : Can you actually find a job without hours on B/AB?

14th Sep 2012, 01:33
Hi y'all!

I'm a bit desperate. I have 3000hrs on RJ and it seems virtually impossible to find a decent job somewhere without a Boeing or Airbus rating. And forget about RJ jobs all together. Is the Middle East seriously the only option? I would love to live in SE Asia, or Australia, but they are just not giving type ratings anymore, and you don't even get a chance to prove yourself in the sim without one.
Got an interview with BA, but doesn't look like that's ever gonna happen so need to look for other options. And I thought my job would easily bring me anywhere in the world :-(

All tips welcome!


14th Sep 2012, 05:03
Try China.

The Dominican
14th Sep 2012, 07:07
Give EVA a try, good luck

Luke SkyToddler
14th Sep 2012, 11:00
Is the Middle East seriously the only option?

No, but in terms of raw numbers they are recruiting a hell of a lot more guys like you to Boeing / Bus than anyone else on earth. It's not so bad at QR as long as you keep your eyes on the prize - i.e. get a couple thousand hours and get the hell out again back to civilization :}

stop, stop, stop
14th Sep 2012, 14:30
Agreed Luke. The Middle East is not as bad as many of the stories have you believe. After 2 years you'll have enough experience for a whole load more airlines than the RJ will get you.

I have not been dissapointed.

Boeing Europe
14th Sep 2012, 14:49
I have 1k hours on a boeing 737-800 and I cant get a sniff of anything.

14th Sep 2012, 15:04
Boeing europe, did you try china and asia? Why is that not working?

Boeing Europe
14th Sep 2012, 15:32
I am pretty sure I have tried everywhere ha , nothing in china without 1500 total time and that is a requireent for only 1 or 2 contracts most are 3k TT , as regards other places in asia nothing I have tried hong kong express cathay dragon air etc indonesia there is an opening I am awaiting an interview date if I get one throught an agency but most airlines in indo only take pay 2 fly or indo nationals about to give up

14th Sep 2012, 17:58
I think Swiss / Swiss European are recruiting onto their RJs with pretty decent Ts and Cs. You have to be able to speak German though.

14th Sep 2012, 19:24
Theres just almost no work out there for guys without hundreds of hours on type. Even QR stopped recruitment for the time being. One big hot mess.

15th Sep 2012, 05:55
I have 1k hours on a boeing 737-800 and I cant get a sniff of anything.

nothing in china without 1500 total time

How did you get 1k on the 737 and not have 1500 TT?

15th Sep 2012, 07:51
@ deadcut, you start as an F.O. with a couple of hundred hours to your name, this is not unusual in Europe.

Boeing Europe
15th Sep 2012, 08:37
Very easy Deadcut , you finish flight school with about 230 hours bang out a million applications eventually get a job flying a 737 fly for 1000 hours and when you add your 230 flight school hours (1000+230=1230) you get 1000 hours flying a 737 but not 1500 total time.

15th Sep 2012, 11:07
Be patient!

stay for a few years in your airline until you build time to apply for a better one

15th Sep 2012, 11:34
China only wants Captains with 500 hours PIC on type. If you have PIC try China Express flying the RJ. In Indonesia try Garuda as they are now flyng CRJs. In Taiwan try EVA. Best of Luck.

15th Sep 2012, 12:43
If you've got RJ time and can speak German:

Captain und First Officer AVRO RJ85 (German Speaking)-Latest Pilot Jobs-Latest Pilot Jobs (http://www.latestpilotjobs.com/jobs/view/id/644.html)

hope that helps

15th Sep 2012, 15:23
Don't speak German, but from my very limited ability with the language I think I am making out they also want a type rating, in regards to the link 2 posts above.

"Type Rating AVRO RJ85 von Vorteil"

15th Sep 2012, 15:57

wtf is Flair Jet ?
I've been around in the av biz over a decade - never heard of FJ- sounds like another scammer on it's way

My 5 cents

Boeing Europe
15th Sep 2012, 16:58
@scratch the sky

I though they allready have been recruiting sent in an application last week 2000 plus apparently so dont really have high hopes there.

@tailstrike-flairjet are an oxford based corporate crowd they only have phenom 100 and 300 in oxford , they opned a base in dublin I spoke with their chief pilot a while back , I was invited for interview but declines as I was not prepared to fund an penom TR , they have a very legit website and offices @ oxford

15th Sep 2012, 18:30
Flair Jet in Oxford (flair-jet.co.uk) and the German Flair Jet (Flairjet.aero) are 2 different companies.
The German version does indeed need time on type and German language, if I remember correctly the person starting this thread had a rating and time on type and was looking for RJ work without getting a Boeing or Bus rating so the German job might be an option if they speak the lingo.
Don't know much about the German outfit but the UK Flair-Jet are definitely legit and personnaly if they made a solid offer of employment with good Ts&Cs I'd consider stumping up for a type rating.

16th Sep 2012, 08:39
Thanks for the replies!

Idd Swiss I know about, but I hardly speak German. I saw Eva air, that might be interesting...and Taiwan is better than the ME for me personally. I'm late twenties, I don't feel like living the settled compound life just yet, just don't think it's for me. It's not about earning loads of cash either, I want to live somewhere where I like it and enjoy my job, have some kind of privat life...I know, utopia :rolleyes:
Went to the website of Garuda, but no mentioning of pilot jobs...any tips? Don't mind switching types, I just think it is ridiculous for experienced pilots to pay for the company to give them a job, I mean, come on! We should all stop accepting these conditions.

16th Sep 2012, 09:11
Boeing, did you pay to fly those 1000hrs on the B737?

16th Sep 2012, 09:19


Boeing Europe
16th Sep 2012, 17:18
I certaintly did not pay to fly the 1000 hours BUM.

17th Sep 2012, 01:48

Those purposely build 'villages' full of the same houses with a security guard. Went to a Qatar meeting and that's what I understood you're getting as housing.

17th Sep 2012, 07:59
Boeing Europe,

Did you pay for the type rating though?

17th Sep 2012, 11:04

Yes i know what compounds mean.
But I was not sure that you really knew what you were talking about because as you said QR was providing housing in a compound, but was the only company in the ME.
And, right now, apparently they run out of housing there so they're just giving a housing allowance (as EK, EY, FD, etc do) and you look by your own for renting an apartment.

But definitely I agree with you that you must want live in the ME otherwise your time there will be a nightmare.

Good luck!

White Knight
17th Sep 2012, 19:36
they're just giving a housing allowance (as EK, EY, FD, etc do)

Not sure why you add EK to this mix dude! EK also offering housing/apartment!

17th Sep 2012, 20:14
Yes, but not in a "compound" right?

At least the building I saw there was everything except a compound. Actually, for a single, taking into account that cabin crew were living up to floor 40th and pilots from there up to 60th or so... it must be a nice place :ok:

Didn't mean that EK or EY are not giving house, just that the only company (as far as I know) in the ME that was placing people in compounds was QR, and according to a friend of mine who joined them a couple of months ago that policy is over! And now they give only the allowance.
Of course in EK you can pick from both, allowance or company house.

Hope is clear now :ok:

White Knight
17th Sep 2012, 20:31
I'm ten years EK and am in a compound that houses 90+ pilots. I can think of many other EK compounds within Dubai...

EG 84 villas, 164 villas, DIC villas, Silicon Oasis, 32 villas, Al Badaa villas, Cedre villas, DIC lookalike villas- past Arabian Ranches - ach. The list goes on for EK compounds!!!!!!

17th Sep 2012, 20:45
Nice then!
The woman that did the "tour" with as said that EK use to buy a building, a row of houses... So, just to understand you, is all the neighborhood for EK and pilots? Or, is just a street that belongs to EK and next one to other company?

What I mean is that we have to make difference between the QR compounds, as our colleague mentioned before, with high fences, guards at the doors and cameras recording all the day and the kind of "EK pilots street" in the middle of a big area.

That's it.

Thanks for the info!

White Knight
17th Sep 2012, 20:49
Dubai's a little different from Doha. I'm sure.

But... to clarify compound. I live in one! Have done for nearly 10 years - paid for by EK. Big villa with garden. Security guards, swimming pool (chilled and heated depending on the season), gym, barriers at the gates etc etc... And so are the massive Silicon, Waha, Cedre complexes.

Don't listen to everything HR spouts!

17th Sep 2012, 21:14
Thank you for the advise :ok: I won't from now.
Well I stopped trusting them after being in Dubai. While in there everything was "we need you", "we need 500 guys a year", "when you get here you already have the job" etc etc etc.
Now I have to wait a year to join or maybe to pass the assessment again so believe me if I say that I am not yet an Emirates pilot and already learnt the lesson :=

17th Sep 2012, 23:26
@ Boeing europe, try to find any sort of GA Job, on any prop to gain 1500TT, Then unfreeze the Papers and it should get easier... That should be your plan now. forget about finding a job on 737 without a full ATPL....
Trust me there is nothing even with hrs on type.... As for China there are no jobs with less than 3000hrs TT.....

24th Sep 2012, 09:58
Getting a job nowadays without typerating on B/AB is impossible. Plus companies require time on type. I have +2500h ofwhich 2200 on jet. Guess what? Looking for 1.5 years to get in the airline. So far, never got a result. On top of that, they never say why they refuse me. If i get a negative reply and ask for the reason, they never reply! So i'm now getting more radical. On a lot of websites where you have to create of profile and that you can update, i ask now these companies what they actually are looking for and ask them to reply because otherwise im waisting my time in these profiles. If they dont answer i simply delete my profile, not waisting my time anymore with them. In the mean time, im working on a back up plan to find a job outside aviation. Aviation, it is really getting...:yuk:

24th Sep 2012, 20:44
"Type Rating von Vorteil" means it'll give You an advantage if You have one but it doesn't mean its a requirement!

6th Oct 2012, 02:46
White knight,

thanks for your clarification, I'm very sorry, but that and living in a building full of colleagues, to me sounds like my worst nightmare - it's not for everyone. I like to keep my private life seperate from my job, otherwise, what's left for me? So the search goes on...aviation=patience :zzz:

Guess any airline based in London apart from BA is not a good option? Thoughts?

The Dominican
8th Oct 2012, 03:25
I think it is time you guys manage your expectations, people get jobs without A/B or Boeing times or type ratings all the time, the problem is two things, total times are low and the more time passes outside of the cockpit the lesser your chances, lets face it, an unemployed pilot is a perishable item with very low shelf life. I understand the desire to fly the same equipment or bigger than you were before, but I think it is necessary to take a step backwards to eventually step forward, forget 737's and 320's for now, you need to work on your total times and in particular your PIC times, without PIC times your options will be severely limited, you need to try and get jobs on larger RJ'S that will give you the option to upgrade eventually and then combined with your previous Boeing experience, you can make the jump to the job you want.

Good luck

8th Oct 2012, 06:47
Very true.
If you cant get what you want/dream of just now, then you should try and stick to what you have and be happy about having just that.. If its the first job, it may just be a bit tougher than said..

Good luck