View Full Version : Any 320 operators that accept 330/340 time instead?

10th Sep 2012, 11:26
As above really,

Looking to move on from current employer at some point and would be interested in working for one of the prominent 320 operators in Europe. I don't have any 320 time but will have a decent amount of 330/340 time by the time i plan on moving on. Obviously most will ask for a 320 rating and time on type but does anybody know which operators I may get some flexibility from in this respect, given a healthy amount of short/longhaul heavy Bus time? And definitely not willing to pay for a rating!!


Narrow Runway
10th Sep 2012, 11:39
BA is probably the only option.

10th Sep 2012, 12:51
Which seat are you looking for?

A CCQ course 330->320 shouldn't cost you more than 5000 pounds.

10th Sep 2012, 13:18
Thanks for the reply.

Will be RHS.

Anyone else with any suggestions?

12th Sep 2012, 09:33
Aer Lingus maybe