View Full Version : 737 Jobs in Indonesia??

Boeing Europe
31st Aug 2012, 01:25
Asian Academy of Aeronautics - Jakarta Division (http://www.aaa-international-flight.com/)

Has anyone ever had any dealings with this crowd , they have advertised 737 and A320 jobs , I have sent them all my documents etc and they said "you will be called for interview" very sure of themselves...????

31st Aug 2012, 05:48
For the amount of money you gonna part with, be rest assured they will call you.
Be prepared for some rides heading that way, very few will make it, the majority will just waste their time. Have a read on how cheaply the Indians are willing to go, and the Indonesians spare no time in taking advantage of the first few batches of naive young Indians.
What's worst now, Boeing flight training in South East Asia is drumming the tune of acute shortage of pilots. I wonder why is it that hard for everyone to see it, there is NO shortage of pilots, there's only shortage of CHEAP AND EXPERIENCED pilots.

Boeing Europe
31st Aug 2012, 14:45
A representitive e-mailed me back with details , for my experience rated and around 1k on type you would take home about 4500USD permonth and you do not have to part with any cash bar the return air fare to Indo for screening you must pay the agancy 5k USD for visas permits etc but this is deducted from your wages over a period of 1 year....? fro what I have read it does not sound lie one of those ripoff scams...

1st Sep 2012, 04:10
That being the case I see no harm in probing further. Do beware of bear traps set further down the track though.
All the best.

Heathrow Harry
3rd Sep 2012, 15:55
"you must pay the agancy 5k USD"

oh-oh - that's a lot of money in Indonesia - you could get there and no job, no visa and you are the airfare and 5k out

3rd Sep 2012, 16:03
does nobody read the actual posts? he said it will be deducted from pay... so no out of pocket expenses except the airfare.

3rd Sep 2012, 17:51
does nobody read the actual posts? he said it will be deducted from pay... so no out of pocket expenses except the airfare. Well, 5k is 5k, no matter how you look at it. On top of that it's absolutely ridiculous to 'spend' 5k (i.e. have a 5k pay CUT) on an "agancy" for a job, especially if you already have a rating!

Paying an agency 5k for a visa? If the airline in question wants to or needs to hire foreigners then paying for visas is their problem, not yours and definitely not some vague agency that charges you 5 grand for it.

Lemme guess, is this "agancy" that Malaysian ex-EK flight attendant who runs selection road shows and has a Facebook site full of spelling mistakes? :yuk:

Boeing Europe
3rd Sep 2012, 18:14
I better read over the attachment she sent me I did not see the 528 monthly agency fee that means 11k to the agency for the first year but still apparently 3k a month in INDO is still allot of money...??

Boeing Europe
3rd Sep 2012, 20:43
$528 a month for a recruitment fee is a joke.... have many of you guys applied...? what responses did you get? Just curious as to whether its a generic response.

Boeing Europe
3rd Sep 2012, 20:55
So assuming we are only paid our base salary from arriving durung training 3k with no flight pay sector pay etc one would recieve 600 until checked to the line because the 5,200 is taken over the first 3 months pay , first few months would be very very tight:ugh:

5th Sep 2012, 18:51
They said to me if I round up 10 people (737 Rated) then they would do the screening in the UK..

Boeing Europe
5th Sep 2012, 22:16
Do you know many people who would be interested , you can count me as one , allthough I would not mind waiting to see if I can get an interview with TOM or Jet2 first Turkish have you applied...? Also I might e-mail and ask her if it is possible to have a speedy awnser on whether you are successfull or not after screening in Jakarta therefore I only have to buy a one way ticket and can stay there after the assesent as lng as it wont be for more than two weeks etc....????

6th Sep 2012, 00:09
I just finished the Thomson one today and im half way through the Je2 application. I know of maybe one other guy from Astraeus who may be interested so that would be three. I think they will struggle with the likes of Jet2, Thomson and Fly Dubai recruiting..

Boeing Europe
6th Sep 2012, 00:13
Yeah it seems FD have opened up a big recruitment drive again pity I am short of the 1500 TT which is an absolout minimum apparently thats where I want to end up anyway.

7th Sep 2012, 13:58
Im up to five now :D

You will get there soon Boeing Europe...

Boeing Europe
7th Sep 2012, 14:09
As in 5 people for the London assesment , im sure if you got 7/8 she would give in...?

7th Sep 2012, 17:19
Yeah 5 candidates. I want to negotiate on the $5000 coming out over 3 months as well...Its a total rip off anyway so the least they could do is split it over 6-12 months so we can eat for the first quarter...

BE Can you inbox me your name and email as im drafting an email for the agency.

run a mile
7th Sep 2012, 20:28
This may be up my street.

Turkish, PM sent.

8th Sep 2012, 16:59
For Flydubai u need to have a full ATPL. They won't even bother to process your application if you don't hold an ATPL. But be careful, it's probably better to wait for EK recruitment to open up again, as a move from FD to EK might not be that simple....
As for the Indo Job, I recommend staying away, unless you really have no other option. I don't trust anybody from this country, I believe it's the most corrupt country in the world. 5000$ for visa and monthly 528 fee is a complete joke in my opinion, as you guys are already rated with hours on type....

did fly
11th Sep 2012, 07:30
Hello all of you,
Any news so far for this recruitment in Indo ?

Boeing Europe
11th Sep 2012, 07:50
I have not heard anything I sent her an e-mail about 4 days ago and have yet to recieve a response...? anyone else hear anything more...?:ugh:

Boeing Europe
13th Sep 2012, 10:25
Any updates from anyone....?

15th Sep 2012, 02:25
I also sent all the required documents and I was told that I should be getting a call soon for an interview...

Boeing Europe
15th Sep 2012, 07:03
When di you get the response...? I was also told I would be called for interview " within 2 weeks" exactly 2 weeks ago now so fingers crossed it actually happens , she seems to be ignoring e-mails from everyone else....:ugh:

15th Sep 2012, 19:42
Aug 31 2012. I was told that the interview starts SEPT.

16th Sep 2012, 08:06
500 hours on type !!!!!!

Boeing Europe
24th Sep 2012, 16:02
Has anyone heard anything....? so much for a "late september early october start date"

24th Sep 2012, 18:09
I was told that it takes 4-6 weeks to check all the documents for interview to be given.

Boeing Europe
24th Sep 2012, 21:45
Yeah I was told the same , I cant see how it takes 4-6 weeks to "check documents" the initial e-mail I got when I aplied she said it was a late september / early october start date.Any idea of what airline it is...?I have a feeling this may never happen....?

25th Sep 2012, 03:47
I was only given the name Skylink. But I don't think it's an airline. Who was your contact?

25th Sep 2012, 06:43
Boeing Europe is right.. It might not going to happen. it going to be like malaysia.. only hire expat captain not expat FO. I heard they been strict orders by Indonesian Labour Adminstration to stop hiring expats recently, until they all have exhausted all local cpl then open to expat again. Please remember all this expat hiring craze was only a stop gap until the locals were trained up. LOCAL first. YOU will say how can there be enough pilots to fly all these planes??? there will be... why do you think you have been waiting so long for citilink..sadly..its not going to happen.. IF there is a go ahead with citilink.. it going to be for 500+hrs type and 1 year contract. the rest of the guys in these airlines will serve out there contracts and ask to leave when there contracts finish. guys start your plan B.

Lion air will serve the remaining applicants from these agencies, probably stop after christmas. Lionair last month recruited over 30 local cadets..from local flight school around the country and more next month. I expect garuda, citilink, sriwijaya etc have been given orders too. Except for Susi Air... ;)

its look like the expat hiring bubble has burst for indonesia.

25th Sep 2012, 11:08
as i know this is an pilot school, isnt it? what did you received? i am interested in this work but i dont know at all for which company in jakarta is it. I am working in jakarta since 2 years and i dont know which company it can be.

Boeing Europe
25th Sep 2012, 14:04
Yeah the recruiter is a flight school...? I dont think there is such an airline called "skylink" , I was told in an e-mail to me they need 1200+ pilots , it all sounds like BS to be honest , initially late september start , now 4-6 weks for document checks , what I cant understand is what they would gain from advertising a position that does not exist , by the looks of their website it looks prety legit.

Asian Academy of Aeronautics - Home (http://www.aaa-fta.com/)

Unless the person in the e-mails is posing as someone else....?

Boeing Europe
25th Sep 2012, 14:26
National Skylink

The Asian Academy of Aeronautics is pleased to announce a partnership with National Skylink, a premier recruiting agency for many Indonesian airlines. Through Skylink, we can offer our students a career path to airline employment.

Bambang of National Skylink meets with Capt Kate Montressor and Sonia Erlyn of the Asian Academy of Aeronautics in their Jakarta office to discuss the agreement. Capt Kate and Sonia present Pak Bambang with the first batch of eligible pilots.

25th Sep 2012, 14:26
What worries me the most is when they asked for a copy of our passport, licenses, logbook, etc. By the way, look on ASIAN ACADEMY OF AERONAUTICS facebook. It showed Skylink has signed an agreement with AAA. They are both recruiters.

Boeing Europe
25th Sep 2012, 15:52
Just wondering why that would worry you...? most agencies need these copies for an application , I looked on the AAA website and there is pictures of people from AAA signing something with people from Skylink , skylink website also advertise the same positions , looking a bit more legit now.

25th Sep 2012, 16:54
Jetjockey696 seems to know alot about lion air.
Are you from mangement??

25th Sep 2012, 19:20
What worries me is identity theft. It happend to me before with a bank. So u saw skylink photos. I hope we get a call or an email for the interview. October is about 6weeks. Let's hope for the best.

Here's an example:

Warning: Please be aware that again criminal individuals pretend to represent ExecuJet.
Please be aware that this is a hoax – people working for ExecuJet do have ExecuJet e-mail accounts. Official mails / answers to requests are only sent from these official ExecuJet e-mail accounts.
In the past weeks, people with different names / e-mail addresses have pretended to represent ExecuJet and have published advertisements with job offerings. Such advertisements are FRAUD just to get money from candidates or their passports. Do not transfer any money to these people - do not give any personal details, and do not send your passport.

Boeing Europe
2nd Oct 2012, 03:34
How o you mean "apply directly" turkish....? I originally applied to AAA via the advertise link I found online...? I though you meant when there is 8 people around the London area they will open screening there....? A bit confused ha , anyway has anyone heard anything yet its been nearly 6 weeks , originally this was for a "late september" "early october start".......

4th Oct 2012, 17:33
uthorities here on Thursday released a US pilot they had detained since Sunday for transgressing Indonesian airspace, officials said.

Michael A. Boyd was arrested on Sunday after Air Force planes forced him to land in Balikpapan on board his Cessna 208 aircraft. The American did not have clearance to fly into Indonesian air space.

Col. Djoko Putroseno, the commander of the Balikpapan military airbase, released Boyd at 10:00 a.m. after he officially obtained a security clearance from the government.

Boyd took off and headed for Singapore, Djoko said.

“This morning at around 9:00 a.m. the clearance documents were issued, so therefore we do not want to hinder anyone and we have released him,” Djoko said.

Rustino, the head of the airport authority at Balikpapan’s Sepinggan Airport, where the airbase is also located, said Boyd had completed all the administrative requirements, including getting the necessary clearance and paying landing fees. Djoko said Boyd had also apologized for having entered Indonesian airspace without the necessary permits.

The airbase commander added that while keeping him in custody over the past four days, Boyd had been well treated.

“We want to leave a good impression on Michael while he was under detention so that when he goes home, he can say that he was well treated,” Djoko said.

Boyd entered Indonesian air space near the northern tip of Sulawesi island, en route to Singapore. He told the Indonesian Air Force he only had clearance to fly over the airspace of Singapore and Malaysia, and that he had been forced to fly over Indonesia's Gorontalo province due to bad weather.

The US pilot said he was delivering a new airplane ordered by a Papuan businessman. There were no more details on the aircraft owner, other than he was identified as “Mr. Bus.”

11th Oct 2012, 18:18
It's 6 weeks folks. Any calls or emails?:bored:

Boeing Europe
12th Oct 2012, 01:58
I e-mailed her last week , got an e-mail back today saying 2the airline is taking very long to respond please allow another 4 weeks":ugh::ugh::ugh::ugh:

12th Oct 2012, 05:27
Seriously?:\ Is that for boeing and airbus? It's frustrating at times not knowing if this is going to lead somewhere.

Take care guys!

Heathrow Harry
13th Oct 2012, 18:02
Ladies & gentlemen

this has had SCAM written over it in great big glowing neon letters from the first post on here

I know we're all desperate to improve our positions but falling for this sort of thing is just really depressing

14th Oct 2012, 05:40
Hey guys, any word on Lion Air in Indonesia? I am a 737 NG PIC and would like to apply there. Thanks

Boeing Europe
14th Oct 2012, 06:30
I initially thought the same , but if you check the website for AAA it all looks pretty legitimate they are a maldivian flight school it says they are working with an indonesian crowd called skylink , there are photos of the person we have been in contact with and other people from "skylink" , also nothing is paid upfront taken from salary so atleast we can plow n and see if it leads to anything as we do not have to part with any cash , it is a bit suspicious they way initially we were told late september now its early november etc and I cant think of what airlinr it could be....

18th Oct 2012, 14:00
Lion Air is an airline needs be avoided like the plague.

Lion Air will not reveal details of their contract until the day of induction.

The termination clause of the contract can pose a major financial risk for an individual. I know anyone in their right mind won't pay the penalty for early termination. However Lion Air won't releasing one's training records if one wants to move on.

Lion Air claims that the salaries are net of taxes. They also make claim that they pay the taxes on one’s behalf. However,Lion Air will not provide proof of such payment. One has to go the tax office in Jakarta to collect a form showing proof of taxes being paid.

About the only positive note is that one is on full payroll with immediate effect once the contract issigned. And they pay in cash at the end of the month and on time. This is what a colleague of mine from another carrier currently flying there related to me.

Don't expect to see the realjet for at least three months as they are back logged

Don't expect to see Lion Air removed from the black list for flying in the EU or US anytime soon.

Boeing Europe
18th Oct 2012, 15:58
What makes you think this is Lion Air , could be any one of the 737 operators in Indo , would you mind explaining the termination clause...? also is it vital for you to have your training records , if you wanted to go and join another airline if you left early....? You could just get most captins you fly with to sign your logbook to verify hours no....? and to be honest I would fly for anyone to get over the 1500TT mark with out the 1500 u are fooked

18th Oct 2012, 16:24
Well are you suggesting that it is not Lion Air? As they do have 737s

As for training records go, many airlines, now a days will require records directly for you former employer. They will review records you provide, however the documents from your previous carrier is what controls.

Boeing Europe
18th Oct 2012, 18:35
I am not suggesting anything I would love to know myself who it is...

18th Oct 2012, 21:30
Lion air?For sure it isn't
Most probable will be Sri Wijaya, according to the description and salary. But come on, there is at least 9 companies in Indonesia with more than 10 737, there's so many possibilities...but no Lion air, they have much cheaper pilots through Eagle or CFA agencies...

24th Oct 2012, 10:55
Hi everyone,
Any idea what I can expect from Lionair line training? I have 7000TT but new on 737. Also, any info about final line check?

Boeing Europe
24th Oct 2012, 14:04
LTH , you are in wrong forum , This thread is about a possible contract opportunity for rated 737 or A320 guys with hours on type , not lion air there are lots of Lion air threads try use the search function.:ugh:

2 stripes
26th Oct 2012, 10:46
Hi everyone, has anybody heard anything from the agency? I now see there is a new advertisement for the same position, the implications are not good :confused:

16th Nov 2012, 20:45
Hi guys have had all the decribed contact too and should we be lucky and get a response I would attend a uk assesment.

Boeing Europe
19th Nov 2012, 14:53
I would imagine at this stage nothing will ever come of this as I was told when I first apllied I would be attending an assesment 2 weeks later it is now 3 months later and nothing from her.....

20th Nov 2012, 13:04
I see they just advertised again asking for urgent applicants.
it might not be over yet.. :suspect:

Boeing Europe
20th Nov 2012, 14:45
It was also an "UGRENT!!" application when I applied 3 months ago there is easily about 5-6 guys on this thread that have applied no-one has heard anything....

23rd Nov 2012, 17:11
Im currently sitting here in Balikpapan, Indonesia.
The weather is sporting to say the least. thunder storms of the likes many will never have seen.
The pilots here really earn their money.


Flying Mechanic
23rd Nov 2012, 17:21
Yep get ready for a tropical wet season flying......it's real flying weather and will sort out the men from the boys!!

24th Nov 2012, 22:42
Has any of you received the reply from AAA that you will be contacted by a company called Skylink? Got mine today.
Never heard of them, checked online, a site with hardly any info.
Sounds a bit obscure...
The address their offices are has no "Skylink" business listed, only some jewelers, a "process services" company(?), Private detectives and other similarly related to aviation businesses:suspect:

27th Nov 2012, 06:43
Skylink along with Avia Integrated and a few others are agents for numerous carriers in Indonesia.

Boeing Europe
27th Nov 2012, 15:08
Allready contacted skylink they want like 5k up front or something like that as soon as I saw in the e-mail they wanted money upfront i stopped reading it ha

27th Nov 2012, 16:55
Looks like sh*t / smells like sh*t / c o u l d be a Rose :hmm: but. . . . . . .

Heathrow Harry
28th Nov 2012, 15:23
a number of us have been pointing out that if this isn't a scam then it's an agency just trawling for names "in case"

Unless you are dealing with airline directly your chances of getting anything solid are very low

never ever pay anything up front in Indonesia unless you are very very rich..........

1st Dec 2012, 08:30
Chatting to the pretty waitress in the Novotel last week about her Euro boyfriend who had been a pilot, what happened to him I asked? Oh. he fly into a mountain and was killed, said she. Oh I said! Don't worry she said, plenty more pilots are coming!:eek:

1st Dec 2012, 09:32
Chatting to the pretty waitress in the Novotel last week about her Euro boyfriend who had been a pilot, what happened to him I asked? Oh. he fly into a mountain and was killed, said she. Oh I said! Don't worry she said, plenty more pilots are coming!http://images.ibsrv.net/ibsrv/res/src:www.pprune.org/get/images/smilies/eek.gif
Maybe he didn't 'fly into a mountain,' but he did the only smart thing and ditch that gold digger... :E

1st Dec 2012, 13:45
Probably true, but Indonesia can be a scary place to aviate, wx, terrain, culture, its all there to bite you on the bum. That said, and having been out there for the last 7 years, it is noticeable how many Euro and UK accents there are on the airwaves, so someone must be getting in. Lion usually.:ok:

5th Dec 2012, 00:53
Chatting to the pretty waitress in the Novotel last week about her Euro boyfriend who had been a pilot, what happened to him I asked? Oh. he fly into a mountain and was killed, said she. Oh I said! Don't worry she said, plenty more pilots are coming!

Were you in Novotel Balikpapan by any chance? If yes, then I know that particular waitress. Small world!

5th Dec 2012, 07:19
small world then.LOL :ok:

8th Dec 2012, 14:41
Were you in Novotel Balikpapan by any chance? If yes, then I know that particular waitress. Small world!

So, eventually, you never flew into a mountain :E Happy to hear you are ok :}

10th Dec 2012, 04:18
So, eventually, you never flew into a mountain Happy to hear you are ok

I hope it stays that way, because I am flying in the same place at the moment. Very unfortunate what has happened. I have never met the guy, but his "ex" girlfriend still misses him.

22nd Dec 2012, 03:35
Hi everyone, I've been reading all the postings and i am a bit confused. There's a talk about uk assessment, agencies and all and im not sure what they are. I'm just looking for any information on getting into a recruitment program. I have been looking for a job for some time with no luck. any help or info would be greatly appreciated.

I went to Indonesia to look for a job in November. tried Merpati, Sriwijaya, Lion Air, Garuda and they all said either not hiring zero hour, type rated FO or need to go thru an agency called Avia.

-Merpati: VP of Flight ops kept my resume and told me to contact Avia
-Sriwijaya: Chief pilot kept my resume but looking for 500+ on NG
-Lion Air: wasn't allowed in the building, not hiring expats period
-Garuda: had an interview, told me after hiring local pilots if need more rated pilots, they will notify me (if shortage occurs and get government approval of hiring expats)

so I called Avia: first person told me to email him his resume and no reply. called another person and same thing happened.
I also found another agency called Skylink. I've been calling them but no answer. I asked a friend who flies for Garuda to call Skylink and he actually talked to someone and got some information.

1st Dec 2013, 11:12
I have seen a group page about this agency and it is worth a look there, it is quite clear it is a huge rip off...


The guy appears to have been deeply screwed and many pilots with him
Take care!!!

1st Dec 2013, 11:19
Many pilots have been screwed by this agency. A srewed pilot has created a group page you can see here in facebook :


It is very clear