View Full Version : Monarch Staff Travel (ZED/ID90)

21st Aug 2012, 20:04
Do Monarch offer ZEDs and/or ID90s, or any other form of staff travel?

22nd Aug 2012, 10:35
staff travel at Monarch is rubbish but we do do ID discounts etc

22nd Aug 2012, 12:11
I think the above is crap.

With the expanding network the options are growing. I, and many others, have travelled on the staff travel card many times for very little money.

You won't get unlimited return tickets to New York but if trips on the M network is what you want then its good.

22nd Aug 2012, 15:26
Are you referring to my post? If yes, what's crap? The question asked if we did I'd 90 etc and all I said was yes. In addition to answering this question I gave an opinion that our staff travel was rubbish. What's so fantastic about it, I must have been at a different management meeting to you when 90% of questions from the troops on how bad it was and what the company were going to do to improve it. As a taster, if you get friends and family to book a trip with your company how much of a discount do you get them having been a skipper for 30 years? If you have a family and want to take them away during the school holidays, can you use your free ticket after 8 years service? Even the staff card that you mention, how many of them do you get or how many people can you treat with a tax only ticket? Ever tried to book a trip through our staff travel department? Usually it takes a couple of days to get a human on the end of the phone, they give you a 'staff' deal for you only to look at the competition and find it hundreds of pounds cheaper.....
Compared to let's say the top 10 operators in the UK and what they offer we fare very poorly...as I have said before, apart from that we fare well...or perhaps I have the wrong staff travel book and you can enlighten me

22nd Aug 2012, 15:42
Thanks for the replies chaps. Much appreciated.

23rd Aug 2012, 22:29
Well. at least you've got something!!

Pissed off with being pissed on.