View Full Version : Your roster is in your email

Iron Skillet
15th Aug 2012, 11:33
I still cannot access it online, but surprise, surprise...it's been in my email account since 430PM...in various formats, too. Finally! :D

15th Aug 2012, 11:42
It would have been so simple to explain the change in procedure. Communication is so important in the cockpit but obviously trivial within a company!!:sad:

Steve the Pirate
15th Aug 2012, 11:44
How dare they take away the one genuine, guaranteeable source of a quality whinge! The fact that I can now simply download the .ics file and import it into iCal is simply not cricket! The 15th of the month will never be the same again.


15th Aug 2012, 11:45
Not in mine, nor is it crew direct??? It's now 1945 HKT....:sad:

Bye Bye Baby
15th Aug 2012, 11:57
Such cynicism, you don't realise the amount of back slapping that had to goon after winning "the best IT of the year award for an airline based inHKG with a green tail and a boss called John award" or as I like to callit the TBIOTYAFAABIHWAGTAABCJA a most prestigious award indeed, oh and thenfire the guy who made it all possible.

Shame on you.

15th Aug 2012, 11:58
Found it in the company email ......

Bye Bye Baby
15th Aug 2012, 11:58
yes I know sticky space bar, don't know why.

15th Aug 2012, 11:59
Apparently Nose Gear was offended by my sarcastic remark. The punishment will continue, but I will just pretend it is not happening from now on.:mad:

15th Aug 2012, 12:16
Sorry where was the company email informing us of the change to roster delivery procedure?

15th Aug 2012, 12:17
I don't normally take the bait...but....joejet, you take the prize for stupid, asinine, comment of the month.:yuk::D I'd like to see you apologize but I won't be holding my breath.:rolleyes::rolleyes:

Steve the Pirate
15th Aug 2012, 12:49
Sorry where was the company email informing us of the change to roster delivery procedure? Good point crwjerk. It used to be that there was an email sent to your Outlook account informing you of the roster publication and now there's an email sent to your Outlook account informing you of the roster publication - it's outrageous!


15th Aug 2012, 13:21
I know, it's mind-boggling!!!! :ugh:

15th Aug 2012, 14:31
Why is Simulator 5 listed in "Expiries in next 3 months?"

15th Aug 2012, 14:47
crwjerk "Why is Simulator 5 listed in "Expiries in next 3 months?"

Volume 7.

Simulator 5 includes the Wind-shear schedule 11 requirement which previously was in the RT/PC cycle.


Because if there was no regulatory requirement for this Sim, then it would appear on the published roster but would be quickly cancelled by 8929.

Everyone has to do this from the DFO to the most junior JFO. This duty will probably be at an anti-social time of the day, but there is good evidence to suggest that we all need some training.

With the crew shortage I am amazed that the bean counters have not squeezed this Simulator out of the syllabus.

15th Aug 2012, 17:19
Wot Jonathon sed!

The fleet offices fought hard to get this training opportunity against the South end of 3rd floor who think training gets in the way of screwing crew into a "productive" roster.

Fleet slipped the regulatory item into what used to be an easily cancelled simulator training duty and got a rare win over the Pongo. To CC any simulator that is not regulatory is just a free Reserve. (oh what am I thinking, nearly all reserve is free..)

15th Aug 2012, 20:59
Where can I collect my Prize? I'm assuming it will be unannounced, just like my roster, in my Company email. :}

16th Aug 2012, 03:02
...only by replacing it with an Android tablet!

(Steve don't like no stinkin' tinkerin' with his toy)


16th Aug 2012, 04:04

This doesn't answer your question properly, but if you have a google calendar account, why don't you load it into that and then sync it to your iPad. Just did it and it took all of 30 secs.

If you don't have such sync setup, there are instructions on gCal which talk you through it.

gCal syncs with the native calendar app on iPad and also other 3rd party apps. (I use "Informant").

Hope this helps. Sorry if I've told you to suck eggs in any way.

16th Aug 2012, 07:26
Press your finger down over the .ics file link for a second and then select "open in new Tab" .:ok:

16th Aug 2012, 07:56
...only by replacing it with an Android tablet!

(Steve don't like no stinkin' tinkerin' with his toy)

Maybe its time to brush up on your I.T. skills before you critisize, Your ignorance is shining through :D

16th Aug 2012, 13:30
Sorry Fangio,

but unless you do the web client work-around previously described... without iSteve's iPermission you can't save it iDirectly to your iCal on your iDevice.

With Google, you can upload the file direct to the (offline) calendar on any post 2.2 Vers (GB, HC, ICS or JB). How's that for a "critisize"??


Steve the Pirate
16th Aug 2012, 22:28
but unless you do the web client work-around previously described... without iSteve's iPermission you can't save it iDirectly to your iCal on your iDevice.Er, not true actually. The method described by nitpicker is correct and works perfectly although to be fair to the the detractors, it does take up to 14 seconds.


ron burgandy
17th Aug 2012, 00:58
The 26th is on a Sunday this month, and if they put my pay in again on the Friday without an NTC telling me it'll be in there 2 days early, I'm really going to see red.:ugh:
Come on fellas, sometimes you just have to admit that, albeit kicking and screaming, CX is being dragged into the 21st century, and every now and then this leads to an improvement.:D

broadband circuit
17th Aug 2012, 07:41
Just be glad it's there.

Damn right!

You and 48 of your colleagues could be dismissed for "no particular reason".

The Messiah
17th Aug 2012, 08:29
though it is basic info only and gives no sign times or anything so I will down load it once it is in screw direct
It has the departure in local time, work back from there :ok:

Farman Biplane
17th Aug 2012, 10:57
Does all of this new fangled email stuff mean I cannot get my my roster by fax anymore?

Near Miss
17th Aug 2012, 11:21
Fax? I still have a carrier pigeon deliver mine. ;)

17th Aug 2012, 15:20
carrier pidgeon? smoke signals for me, though that sometimes doesnt work very well with the viz in Hong Kong.

16th Sep 2012, 14:14
Did anyone get the triple file format e mail this month? Was that just a trial run? How will it come next month .... Speckled Jim??

15th Oct 2012, 10:41
Wonder what will turn up this month?

15th Oct 2012, 10:43
Roster delivered by osmosis.

A Scaler
15th Oct 2012, 11:34
Check it when you wake up on the 16th... much easier.

15th Oct 2012, 11:43
Cr@pest roster ever!!!! All midnight two crew crap again.:yuk:

If they think that I'm going to be flying it, they are dreaming!!!:=

Do they honestly think that a Sin through the night followed by a NRT through the night is acceptable!:ugh:

Cpt. Underpants
15th Oct 2012, 14:32
...so you call in sick and pass it on to your mates on reserve. Nice.

Remember the feeling the next time YOU get called out on reserve.

Here's an idea...proffer them.

15th Oct 2012, 16:58
... Or maybe, Frogman voluntarily works a G day or two to get rid of those night flights. That way, he can screw his mates out of overtime and work them through the night in his place. Isn't that how it really works around here?

15th Oct 2012, 18:39
Yawn..... Same people, same moans, different month

15th Oct 2012, 22:44
Oh yes, uderpants, i'm still laughing my head off. I need to profer a trip that is clearly unsafe to do because i'm worried bout you getting it while on reserve!:ok:

Nice one!:ok:

That is the dummest statement i have read in a while!:ugh:

Cpt. Underpants
15th Oct 2012, 23:33
So Frog, those flights will just vanish if you don't do them?

Be a big boy. Grow a pair.

Four letters A S R F

16th Oct 2012, 01:13
Surely they've given you an "O" day in between, to "recover"....??? :zzz:

16th Oct 2012, 08:21
Yes Underpants, the ASRF gets completed after i reject the duty due to fatigue and stupid rostering.

Do you think any of these patterns will change if we just keep on exposing ourselves and the pax to this unsafe behaviour from Crew rostering?

Trust me. When I make a safety based decision, the last thing I will take into account is the guy on STBY. When he recieves the call out, it is up to him to decide if he is prepared or rested in order to operate the flight.

16th Oct 2012, 09:00

Great how you already know you that you will be "fatigued". If you cannot plan your rest accordingly then I suggest you get another profession! Unfortunately your "social" life has to suffer in preparation for these flights, you do accept the salary after all. This is a 24 hour airline not a 9-5 job.

Cpt. Underpants
16th Oct 2012, 09:39
I'm as p****d as the next guy over stupidity in the way some flights are rostered.

But, I have to agree that the ONLY way you could possibly file an ASRF is if the company don't provide you with an "adequate rest opportunity" between flights.

If they do, you've got nothing. If they don't, they're in breach of the ANRs and I really don't think that's the case.

If you want to protest the pattern without flying it, then the way to go is a CHIRP. Straight to the chairman and the HKCAD.

If you fly it AND you're knackered, ASRF.

FWIW, the one that gets my goat is the way the FTLs solemnly state that "rest periods of between 18 & 30 hours will be avoided"...yet that's all we ever get. WTF?

16th Oct 2012, 10:05
Uderpants, you know as well as I do, that the company will only change something when they cannot man a flight. Look at the cabin crew and how they get their patterns change.

By now you should also know that what Cx consider legal is sometimes not sensible you make mention to one of these points in your last thread.

If you are rostered a SIN return through the night, followed by a NRT midnight departure the following night into a 12 hour 3sector day which gets you back at midnight sensible, that fine with me. I personally think and know that that second night to Tokyo will cross the line of what I'm prepared to accept, so if I' m not rested enough, I will not do it.

Remember it is your life and license on the line. In an accident crew control does not suffer.

16th Oct 2012, 14:54
Out of curiosity, what fleet? If 777, then NAM crew should bd doing these anyways.

16th Oct 2012, 23:21
Unfortunately there not enough US based crew in HKG to do all the various split duties, Colombos and through the night Singapore and Jakarta flights every night even on the 777. HKG crew do end up doing some.

17th Oct 2012, 07:32
Maybe as the LON based pilots convert, eventually SFO, and hopefully a JFK base someday; this dynamic will change so we have pilots operating on their circadian highs more often than not. I enjoy this job 10x more when I know I won't feel horrible at the end of a flight.