View Full Version : Flight testing in the Alps

15th Aug 2012, 10:39
I know it is bad to cross post, but I really need to have some ideas for my flight testing in the Alps, see the Rotorhead's thread "Clear Area at 5500' for limited flight testing: central Alpine Europe".

I thought perhaps there might be some flight testing specialists who might not necessarily read the rotorhead forum, who might be able to help?

Any ideas would be very gratefully received.

Genghis the Engineer
15th Aug 2012, 12:10
I don't, but an obvious question - have you tried talking to anybody at Pilatus?


15th Aug 2012, 21:44
G - Thanks for the idea; will give them a call tomorrow.

You never know, I Khan only try!:ok:

28th Aug 2012, 08:27
Maybe you want to ask Skyguide as well.

I know that you may get a block of airspace for flight testing in the military area. Similar to what they do in Toulouse for AB.

Good luck

Alloa Akbar
5th Sep 2012, 12:10
Biz - REGA used to get clearance to do RW flight tests out of some of their bases in the Alps. I am going back ten years now though..