View Full Version : VHS to DVD

16th Jul 2012, 15:24
I have some old aviation VHS tapes I want to get transferred to DVD, anyone know a good place to get it done?

The photo shop on the street is very expensive so any other info will be appreciated.

Cpt. Underpants
16th Jul 2012, 16:02
You need one of these:

Sony VRD-MC6 - DVD Recorders - CNET Reviews (http://reviews.cnet.com/dvd-recorders/sony-vrd-mc6/4505-9141_7-33786616.html)

Saw them at Best Buy in PANC a few years back - shoulda, coulda, woulda...

otis cornbread
17th Jul 2012, 03:33
I have one of these and it works great. Creates a file on your computer from your your VHS and then you can either just watch it on your computer or use another program like Nero or something and make it into a DVD.

VCR 2 PC - USB Video Conversion System - ION Audio (http://www.ionaudio.com/products/details/vcr-2-pc)

If you do Vancouver overnights London Drugs sells them and possibly Future Shop or Best Buy as well. If not you can get them online for well under $100. Think mine was about $60 onsale at LD.

17th Jul 2012, 05:04
Cheers guys, only problem is that I do not own a VHS player, just got the VHS tapes.

17th Jul 2012, 05:11
No problem just go to Cathay's IT department. I'm sure they're still using that technology.

17th Jul 2012, 05:12
I did, they are using old 8 mm and upgrading to Betamax very soon!

oriental flyer
17th Jul 2012, 07:23
Amazon has a few Sony VRD MC6 units left new from $275 second hand from $ 188

17th Jul 2012, 23:43
What you need is a "Panasonic" DMR-EZ48V recorder. You put a VHS tape in one side and a blank DVD disc in the other side and away you go.

Ocean Person
20th Jul 2012, 10:34
Does anyone know where in Hongkong the Panasonic DMR-EZ48V as suggested by pjac can be found. ? Thanks.
