View Full Version : B767-300 Packs Off take off fuel savings

15th Jul 2012, 10:13
How much fuel is `saved` by conducting a Packs Off take off in the B767-300? Unable to locate pertinent figures anywhere. A figure of 400 kgs per take has been bandied around but conjecture only.

15th Jul 2012, 20:34
Maybe you should search for 767-300.

16th Jul 2012, 04:35
B767-300 Packs Off take off fuel savings


How much fuel is `saved` by conducting a Packs Off take off in the B767-300? Unable to locate pertinent figures anywhere. A figure of 400 kgs per take has been bandied around but conjecture only.

Very little if any for a maximum weight (max performance) take-off, you are getting the same amount of air through the engines, but instead of using some of that air for bleed, you are using it to increase thrust. Same fuel burn. However if you are turning the packs off to be able to reduce thrust further you might save a few kgs. 400 kgs sounds very improbable, that's more than 10% of fuel burn for take-off and climb to cruise level. If it were so, we would be doing it everyday.

16th Jul 2012, 07:11
as I have never seen a figure published for it on any Boeing I have flown, I would hazard a guess and say little to none, but thats just an opinion.