View Full Version : CX Engineer arrested in SYD

10th Jul 2012, 09:20
Ch 2 News tonight, one of our SYD Engineers arrested for importing Drugs........

Damn :ooh:

10th Jul 2012, 10:29
Innocent until proven guilty. The media have already done the PR damage to the airline in the public mind.

10th Jul 2012, 10:47
Plane engineer arrested over drug bust - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) (http://www.abc.net.au/news/2012-07-10/plane-engineer-arrested-over-drug-bust/4122334)

ron burgandy
10th Jul 2012, 14:44
So what exactly does this department do? They can't detect a drug ring being operated by staff, they approve hotels in dangerous locations, they leave crew to fend for themselves should terrorist attacks occur downroute (think BOM a few years back), they have nothing to say about slipping crews in places like Riyadh just to save a Dinar; It took riots and tanks on the streets to suspend BAH.
It seems we have a whole department to publish a red folder that sits at dispatch full of useless outdated information that my 3 year old could compile. You're better off watching the BBC to get a security briefing.:D

Cafe City
10th Jul 2012, 15:18
Somebody on the other end will be sweating right now.

10th Jul 2012, 22:49
At least the person(s) sweating at this end, whilst looking over their shoulder now whilst eating shark fin in a balmy hk 32' can look forward to a room with a view whilst slurping prison noodles
Have you noticed how so many of the HK jails are situated in great locations with ripper views?
As for the A$1.6m the police just happened to 'find' in his house, I reckon he could just have easily been very thrifty and frugal and had been saving since he was an apprentice.

10th Jul 2012, 23:14
Yeah right and if you believe that I've got a nice piece of Realestate I'd like to sell you in Sydney Harbour. :}

Beta Light
11th Jul 2012, 00:39
Can't be sweating , or talking, if his body is floating in the Pearl River Delta this morning. The foot soldiers always get sacrificed.

11th Jul 2012, 01:04
Don't be surprised if the HK connection turns out to be tech crew:=

11th Jul 2012, 03:30
Great, for once a scandal that didn't originate from the flight deck. :ok:

11th Jul 2012, 04:07
Have you noticed how so many of the HK jails are situated in great locations with ripper views?

Yes! Great observation. Every one of them that I have seen!

11th Jul 2012, 05:43
Apparently was not imported on a CX jet, which airlines are handled by CX engineering in Sydney?

Also CX cabin crew incident in the Apple daily today, it just never ends.

11th Jul 2012, 06:46
You get what you pay for...

11th Jul 2012, 10:36
Umm, no twas definitely a cx jet, as for getting what you pay for, this guy was probably on 130k+ with OT so not exactly minimum wage. Greed and stupidity play a big part here. :ouch:

11th Jul 2012, 13:15
What was the apple daily incident?

Joker's Wild
11th Jul 2012, 15:15
at the Apple Daily website, wife did some quick translating for me.

Seems a male CX FA decided it was a clever idea to have/take and then post photos of himself puffing on a fag (you can read into that what you want) and chugging some vino outta the bottle in the galley.

Don't know if the a/c was in flight or on the ground.

Ah, the quality of today's youth..................:ugh:

12th Jul 2012, 01:49
You get what you pay for...
Nice....... So you're talking about all Hong Kong based B scale CX Captains as well? They earn less than him!

Sounds like probably a freighter? How many times does an engineer come up to the cockpit, grab the box of in flight spares, and go and put them in his car? That could have been anything, they must have been tailing him for a long time.

12th Jul 2012, 04:43
Nice....... So you're talking about all Hong Kong based B scale CX Captains as well? They earn less than him!

I was referring to the cabin crew "incident"..

12th Jul 2012, 05:02
Nup not a freighter, and noticed the feds today parked at the same aircraft as it was back. Have also noticed the sniffer dogs going on every cx pax jet that has arrived since, they are only going through the cabin, and not cargo areas, maybe they are expecting more shipments? :confused:

12th Jul 2012, 05:46
Looks like this guy's name (as reported in the ABC news clip) is not in the CX staff directory any more. Terminated? Hidden from search results?

Airport security is a joke, it is full of holes are both ends! More resources should be devoted to the people who have unrestricted access to the parts of the aircraft that most people don't see, instead of hassling the crew and passengers going through security.

Anyway, I don't see how he can be found guilty of trafficking drugs. As per the news report, the police only saw him remove a package (something) from the aircraft, but the police went to search his car, drugs were found in the car. The police must prove that that something from the aircraft were in fact the drugs. May be possession of illegal drugs would be an easier charge to stick to this guy. Even then, if the car in question is a company car that the CX engineers in SYD drive out to the ramp, then this engineer is not the only person with access to this car.

Enough with my random thoughts as a lawyer-wannabe.

12th Jul 2012, 05:51
Damn, there goes my regular supplier.:ugh

12th Jul 2012, 11:14
1.6m dollars in cash at his home??:eek:

oriental flyer
12th Jul 2012, 13:10
Well it's a profitable business otherwise people wouldn't take the risk

12th Jul 2012, 16:49
http://www.picturesof.net/_images/A_Boy_In_A_Movie_Theatre_With_Popcorn_And_A_Soda_Royalty_Fre e_Clipart_Picture_090616-121431-454042.jpg

Oh, the fight's gone away - I'll just eat the popcorn anyway :)

13th Jul 2012, 23:29
My understanding is the feds have a pretty tight case in that under surveillance they have him leaving the aircraft with a concealed package, putting it into a company vehicle and driving directly to his personal vehicle in the car park all under a watchful eye. They also now know where it was concealed on the plane so he is obviously squealing like a pig. And who pays ultimately? His young kids - stupid f*#&