View Full Version : Air Hong Kong A310 Captain take home pay

10th Jul 2012, 00:24
Hi all, i was offered this position and im trying to figure out what is the real take home pay. I have heard 11, or 12. Is that AFTER HKG tax? Also if i live somewhere else do i still need to pay this tax? I heard if you spend less than 60 days a year in HKG, like overnights, your exempt.

Im currently working for an airline in Mainland china. If it is 11 or 12 the pay cut would be quite large, about 5000 a month but my QOL would dramatically improve.

10th Jul 2012, 10:57
If they really offered you this position Then U should know about the tax
because they told me on my interview
There is an issue with the tax since about 1 month
U d ont need to pay the tax in Sing because you are less than 60 days per year
but the issue is in HK. it seems that u will have to pay the tax in HK even if you are base in Sing.probably aroud 15 % minus deduction So maybe 10%

11th Jul 2012, 05:43
No, im lying, they didnt offer me the position. GIve me a break man. Why would i type some BS if they didnt?? I KNOW about the tax, yes. Im asking what is the take home pay that guys are getting as A300 Captain each month AFTER tax