View Full Version : Asia Air Medical

8th Jul 2012, 15:14
These guys are advertising over here in the states for Beech jet and Lear 60 C/As...anyone know anything about them? Thanks.

12th Jul 2012, 01:48

Sorry, but I can't find word one about these guys. Literally. They seem to have a website, but it doesn't work and/or my browser can't translate it. Bad sign, I know.

12th Jul 2012, 10:34
Did you see where they are based?

12th Oct 2012, 20:36
Well, they're hiring again. Says Beijing on a commutable contract. Any ideas? Thanks.

13th Oct 2012, 18:44
Check your pm's

17th Oct 2012, 21:30
They're not hiring again .... at least, they're not hiring because of growth. They may be hiring because they can't keep anyone. Unless you're trying to get off of food stamps and there's no other way, stay away from this operation.

19th Nov 2012, 02:55
Same ole story then in China,

China Charter
26th Nov 2012, 11:08
The company is still hiring and the pay is decent with reasonable rotation schedule. Undergoing some major restructuring with strong financial backing.