View Full Version : Regarding Training

4th Jul 2012, 16:00
Am Nilesh Jain from Chennai,India.I have completed B.E in Aeronautical Engineering 2012 and i have successfully completed it.

After Doing my 10th, I have joined Diploma in Mechanical Engg (3years) and got the seat in Aeronautical,Since i have not done 12th,this is the only way to get into Aviation Industry by Getting a Degree Which i have got it :)
I have not done my 12th i am planning to go for CPL training..

Here it is,

1)First preference to go to Miami,Florida,U.S for CPL training which is around 20 Lakhs Budget.Come back to India,Get converted to Indian DGCA CPL and then move forward.

2)Second Preference,For Skies Consultancy which is Professional Pilot Training Program which is in Europe (Greece) For CPL training and then for Type Rating and line Training in A320 in Dubai.

3)Third Preference,Eagle Jet international which is same like 2nd one.

Wanted to know Scope of all three,and which is Best!!!


4th Jul 2012, 17:35
I can understand what you, as a new comer & aspiring Pilot, are thinking. The fastest way to get to a boeing or Airbus, the nice life, a big fat pay check & beautiful Flight Attendents & nice layovers at beautiful locations.

Unfortunately, life is much more practical than this golden dream….. The pilot profession is a very hard profession. It is a long road, requires a lot of hard work, capitol investment, dedication & sacrifices from the PILOT aspirant.....

Please read this article, it is very important that all aspiring pilots should read this….
Even though it is written primarily for pilots in USA, it is a very good representation of the profession.

The Truth About the Profession - Home (http://thetruthabouttheprofession.weebly.com/)

Some sections are different from the Indian aviation scene & therefore do not apply to Indian aviation but Indian aviation has it’s own challenges. It is a very small sector & with limited number of airlines & vacancies. On the top of that, There are a good 5000 to 8000 unemployed pilots in India....

I AM NOT DISCOURAGING anyone, I am not saying DO NOT become a pilot, I am just trying to put the facts out there, so that people can make informed decisions.

4th Jul 2012, 17:39

WOW, that topic again…….
I cannot advise you on the line training.... There is no such thing as line training, It is not training, it is called pay to fly (P2F)...... Here’s why……

The company has to / should pay a salary to the First officer to fly because he is a required crew member. If you pay the company to let you fly as a First officer, then they don’t have to pay you but make money from you instead…….
That way, they don’t have to pay for training the First Officer, they don’t have to pay a salary to the first officer. There expenses are reduced, training costs is ZERO & profits go up…….
It is a great situation for any low cost carrier, in fact any carrier………….

When your course is over, why should they hire you, the companies mentality will be to just look for the next aspiring Pilot, just like yourself to pay & sit in the right seat….

The companies just want to repeat the process all over again with NEW GUYS LIKE YOU……

That will be the death of the FIRST OFFICER…………

The worst mistake that a pilot can make is to participate in the PAY 2 FLY schemes.

That will drag this profession to a new LOW LEVEL.......

4th Jul 2012, 19:22
What he said!!
Do not pay to fly.