View Full Version : how useful is indonesian CFI rating

4th Jul 2012, 15:16
hi all

i recently converted my ICAO CPL to indonesian CPL. i was thinking to make CFI rating on the indo. CPL and my research suggests it will costs around 1500 usd. my plan is to do some freelance instructor jobs because i have so much free time on my current job. i was wondering how hard is it to get freelance instruction jobs in indonesia ? plus, how much does it pay per hr or day or whatever ? thanks in advance

training wheels
4th Jul 2012, 15:39
I've got friends in all the major flight schools in Indonesia .. check your PM :)

4th Jul 2012, 23:57
@ training wheels...will be appreciated if you could provide the same, i am planning to go.there too.

8th Jul 2012, 09:22
General aviation, especially private planes, are a minuscule market in Indonesia. Between the general poverty, corruption, overregulation, and fragmentation of Indoneisa, I don't think you'd have much luck recouping your money as a freelance CFI. I have an Indonesian CPL and CCP and have no desire to waste my time converting my FAA CFII to an Indonesian license. Unless you're stuck in Indonesia with some other job and want to do this as a hobby in your free time, I'd look for freelance CFI work elsewhere.

9th Jul 2012, 13:48
If you have some information on indonesian flight school please pm it to me ill appreciate it. Im planning to go there
