View Full Version : AUS Base to close 2013

28th Jun 2012, 13:13
October 2013.

Date set

AUS base to close

Look out.

28th Jun 2012, 14:36
Frankfurt, Manchester and London announcement next month

28th Jun 2012, 15:28
I think you're mistaken, it is actually the Hong Kong base that is closing. All crew will be based in Zhuhai and ferried to the terminal. Report times to be adjusted to 3 hours prior to departure. Local Zhuhai housing will be paid. Children's education provided by the local Chinese government. Full expat terms for everyone!

Actually, I did hear some AOA bar talk that the company is looking closely at Perth. There have been a high number of ASF-F submitted for the operations between Perth and Hong Kong. Those pilots affected may be transferred to other AUS bases.

Shoot First, Aim Later.:ugh:

29th Jun 2012, 06:51
Living up to your name I see....:D

Captain Dart
29th Jun 2012, 07:17
OK, I'll bite.

So CX has been in negotiations for months, even described by themselves as 'cordial', over the Australian Enterprise Bargaining Agreement; the double taxation debacle is sort of under control, and rumour has it that they are building another hotel to supplement the Headland...yet they are closing 'AUS Base' (sic), one of the largest base areas in the company :hmm:, which is also a carrot to suck in new joiners in the absence of decent pay and conditions, additional to the Big Shiny Jets.

However, I too have heard that Perth is under the spotlight, maybe you meant an AUS base, even then it may be debatable under Aussie law whether they can close the base while CX still operates to it, without significant redundancy packages.

Or maybe it's just schadenfreude on your part, in which case the only thing we have to 'look out' for is stirrers like you!

Composite Man
29th Jun 2012, 10:07
Have heard it is just the freighter bases in Aus, not pax.

29th Jun 2012, 10:39
Another slow news day for you? Trying to sweep up emotions?

Maybe it's time to follow through on one of your previous post.....
If you're not happy....

Stop bitchin and carrying on.


Like I am.

Life's too short


29th Jun 2012, 11:40
The crap in here's thicker than a Perth Fog :hmm:

29th Jun 2012, 18:04
Closing the Perth Base doesn't solve the ASR (F) problem!!!

29th Jun 2012, 22:44
Maybe a company generated rumor of closing PER base is an attempt to intimidate crews into not submitting ASR-Fs.

30th Jun 2012, 09:40
Have heard it is just the freighter bases in Aus, not pax.

I did hear a little while ago that subbing 777-300ER's onto some SYD and MEL services would allow the freighter to be pulled out of AUS, aside from the odd horse or racing car/bike charter. Then again it could have just been another case of a 777 pilot's wishful thinking - the "777's going to AUS" rumour seems to come up quite regularly whilst flying them I find!!

30th Jun 2012, 15:59
just been another case of a 777 pilot's wishful thinking - the "777's going to AUS" rumour seems to come up quite regularly whilst flying them I find!!

Wishful thinking? Why on earth would anyone want to fly those HKG-AUS sectors. Only 3 crew, back of the clock, short layovers, crap hotels. That was definitely some of the worst flying I have ever had to do.

We got rid of that sort of rubbish when the Bus took over the Middle East!

I think we are quite happy with our 777 rosters as they are. 19 days off in July, thanks very much!

Iron Skillet
30th Jun 2012, 18:59
One thing for sure around here is that nobody who has a good deal going gets to keep it for very long. Those 777F's are around the corner, and you can bet more to follow, not to mention new FTLs, RPs, and any degradation the management can come up with to ruin your good deal.

Enjoy it while it lasts.

larrikan larry
3rd Jul 2012, 16:59
Crwass is on the money.

Fleet forum today and Perth was bandied about.

Interesting because one of the guys was based.

Questions asked. Adroitly sidestepped by mangerment.


Arfur Dent
3rd Jul 2012, 18:16
Fleet forums are a patronising waste of space aren't they??!! If anything of interest comes up where a bit of 'top cover' would go down well ( like -' they just closed my base and gave me 10 weeks to relocate my whole family etc etc') our gallant leaders disappear and/or change the subject. The Fleet Office will not support you against the company and will do nothing to jeapordise their individual careers. Not a single Fleet Manager has ever resigned because of what the Swire boys throw at us. Go to Fleet forums and tell them how brilliant they are. That's it - sadly.

3rd Jul 2012, 20:56
Despite this being a rumour network, I really think we should stop perpetuating base closure suggestions. It only serves management, who starts these rumours, by weakening the job security for those on bases and negotiating from a subsequent position of weakness on their respective bargaining agreements.

4th Jul 2012, 11:42
It would be years before you could even think about a base. Only recruiting second officers now and all come to HKG. About 2600 pilots now. More questions should be asked on the Wannabes forum.

4th Jul 2012, 18:07
Bases have been installed for only one reason : to save the company expat allowances.

Since you will not get any substantial allowances, you will never get a base.

5th Jul 2012, 00:47
There are some bases right now which only serve freighter flights and some which serve both. Since the so-called separation between freighter and passenger came to an end a few years ago there have been no new based positions made available on a base which serves only freighter flights.