View Full Version : Hong kong express 737-800

Boeing Europe
23rd Jun 2012, 15:56
I saw an advert on latest pilot jobs about hong kong express recruiting 737ng fo's I got an e-mail back a while ago saying they had stopped recruitment on that fleet due to it being phased out , has anyone recently interviewed ot been invited for screening with HKE...??? could anyone provide a contat number

24th Jun 2012, 21:38
Their e mail adress is even not correct...

Sue Ridgepipe
28th Jun 2012, 15:10
More f/o's leaving, 737 staying longer than planned = more recruitment.

Boeing Europe
2nd Jul 2012, 00:07
^^^^ well does anyone have a correct e-mail adress to get my CV to HR....? all help appreciated

11th Jul 2012, 14:40
Recommend you visit HK before going for this...do your homework guys!