View Full Version : Salary Qatar

20th Jun 2012, 16:21

Does anyone knows about the Salary/allowance and roster as FO in Qatar Airways?
The expenses living there..?


20th Jun 2012, 18:03
mate, this has been covered ad nauseam in many QR threads. a simple search will find what your looking for.

21st Jun 2012, 02:09

du kan finde nogle oplysninger I afsnittet (Housing) og i de andre tråde, alt er der.

held og lykke

21st Jun 2012, 02:48
While it is true that the "search" button should be your best friend on this forum, there are a lot of nasty responses to these questions. This is a public forum - people can ask questions and respondents can choose NOT to respond...

Here is a good website highlighting the salary and some hiring information - it claims to be pretty recent but not sure how accurate:

Qatar Airways pilot jobs, payscales and entry requirements. (http://www.pilotjobsnetwork.com/jobs/Qatar_Airways)

21st Jun 2012, 03:06
@global 1 .... regarding housing area thanks for the harsh response. im not from there so my question was only to get some sort of idea of where to start looking with the allowace they give .....

21st Jun 2012, 12:54
We are here to help man , I just meant by saying that , you might hurt some people surfing around...

Check your Msg, just PM you with a good contact, i'm sure he can help...

Good luck !

21st Jun 2012, 14:25
Simple search for "Qatar Salary" brought this up:

Didnt mean to sound harsh but the same questions get asked alot, and if you look hard enough I have replied alot to these type of questions; so to save myself typing the same thing over again, here is just one of the search results.

