View Full Version : Aircraft Definitions

7th Jun 2012, 02:53
Definitions of an Aircraft/Aeroplane

A machine or apparatus that relies on the reaction of air for boyancy.

Any machine supported for flight in the air by boyancy or by the dynamic action of air on its surfaces especially powered airplanes, gliders and helicopters.

UK and Others ?

Now what generic name should we give to the hybrid machine that is both an aircraft and a space vehicle such as the Shuttle? Shuttle only defines its task and is clearly unsatisfactory.

Any improvements on "Aerospacer"?

7th Jun 2012, 02:56
I propose we skip the shuttle (oops isn't that a name already?) and fast forward to transporter!

Check Airman
7th Jun 2012, 03:33
FAA definition

Aircraft means a device that is used or intended to be used for flight in the air.

7th Jun 2012, 05:48
How about a machine that burns a big hole in your wallet!

Green Cactus
7th Jun 2012, 06:26
it could also be a boat if you just look at cash-flow.....


Check Airman
7th Jun 2012, 07:10
...or a wife...

7th Jun 2012, 08:10
Definitions of an Aircraft/Aeroplane

This may be NEWS to you, but I heard a RUMOUR that an aircraft was just about anything that flew (Airship, hot-air balloon, helicopter etc) but an aeroplane had to have wings.

7th Jun 2012, 08:21
This may be NEWS to you, but I heard a RUMOUR that an aircraft was just about anything that flew (Airship, hot-air balloon, helicopter etc) but an aeroplane had to have wings.

And to complicate matters further, the definition of airplane (which implies powered) differs from that of aeroplane (powered or glider).

7th Jun 2012, 08:22
NZ CAA Rule Part 1:

Aeroplane means a power-driven heavier-than-air aircraft deriving its lift in flight chiefly from aerodynamic reactions on surfaces which remain
fixed under given conditions of flight

Aircraft means any machine that can derive support in the atmosphere from the reactions of the air otherwise than by the reactions of the air against
the surface of the earth

Heavier-than-air aircraft means any aircraft deriving its lift in flight chiefly from aerodynamic forces

Seems the space shuttle is an Heavier-than-air aircraft (at least on the way down)??