View Full Version : A Question for More Fortunate Colleagues

Max Stryker
6th Jun 2012, 13:59
Having been a long time lurker, and a very seldom contributor to pprune, I now turn to the community, with a very simple question: is there any hope left for MD80 first officers such as myself? The Company I worked for shut down, and I have been out of a job for the better part of six months. The likes of Emirates are out of reach as I have just shy of 2000hrs on the jet, and a few hundred more total. Qatar seems to be forever not answering, and all the contract jobs seem to require a "first hand recommendation". Agents and agencies have been no help either. Having written, and called across the globe, I ask this as a last ditch effort: does anybody know any place that will take a non-Airbus-rated guy, or is this quickly becoming a dead end street?

6th Jun 2012, 17:53
There are plenty places that will take you as a B737/A320 FO, the only problem is . . . . . you will be expected to cough up for the rating yourself.

Jobs on the "Mad Dog" don't seem too frequent, last I remember was with Dana Air :( so, paying up seems maybe the way to get your career back on line.

Not saying I agree with it, but sometimes we have to sacrifice principles on the hard altar of reality.

2000hr Jet Time is good experience, I would be surprised if someone didn't want you.

Max Stryker
6th Jun 2012, 18:11
The problem seems to be in finding that "someone". Everybody who is recruiting non type rated is swamped by applicants who *are* typerated apparently, and everybody else wants a rating + 500hrs. :/

6th Jun 2012, 18:43
Being in the same position I feel your frustration (different type but still out of work) ....have you looked at Korean Air non rated stuff? I went through their selection last month and was treated very well. I respect peoples views on Korean however being jobless it was fine. Just a thought but Im sure you already looked them up. Goodluck

Max Stryker
6th Jun 2012, 18:59
Korean seems to want experience on an account from the family being applied for, an the MD seems to be an orphan these days.:{

Check Airman
6th Jun 2012, 21:24
Sorry to hear about your misfortune Max. It would help if we knew where you are, and/or where you're willing/able to work.

7th Jun 2012, 10:34
Try Flydubai non-rated application: Pilots - work with us - flydubai (http://www.flydubai.com/english/work-with-us/pilots.aspx)

The requirement isn't so unachievable, you said you have 2000 on the jet (1500 required by flydubai), if your Total Flight Time is 2500 you can make it.

It's worth to try Wizzair as well.

7th Jun 2012, 12:01
There were also Gainjet and (I think still) whatever name Viking are trading under this week.

Both far from trustworthy when it comes to paying bills, but it could get you over the line in terms of hours to move on.

Max Stryker
9th Jun 2012, 09:13
JAA licence currently.
And many thanks to all the guys that answered. Most things I have looked into, some I just learned about, so I'll be giving those a shot.

10th Jun 2012, 18:41
Air Hongkong.com.hk maybe it is the place for you

12th Jun 2012, 06:29
Heard Air Asia hires non TR pilots...

12th Jun 2012, 07:10
Try looking at China Airlines or EVA Air

19th Jun 2012, 08:08
Hey Max,

Check out this website:

Latest Pilot Jobs provides the latest aviation vacancies around the world.-Latest Pilot Jobs-Latest Pilot Jobs (http://latestpilotjobs.com/)

under "view jobs" you should find some job posts matching your experience.

Good luck!