View Full Version : Narita

5th Jun 2012, 22:49
Anyone else noticed that the hotel in narita has turned off aircon and you have to ring reception to turn on and you have to request the temperature setting, as the controls in the room are disabled.

Don't think this complies with our COS

ron burgandy
5th Jun 2012, 23:48
That dump barely qualifies for the word "hotel". I'd love to see the CEO spend a night in it! Disgrace really, when there are perfectly good hotels in the town. When will we stop letting the clerk determine, unchallenged, where we spend a significant chunk of our lives....

Iron Skillet
6th Jun 2012, 00:37
How about this: Each time, every time, everyone, send an email to the CP, DCP, FRCM, your Basings Manager, the hotel guy DH, and copy the GMA, the DFO, the AOA and the FAU.

If nobody complains, nothing will change.

6th Jun 2012, 21:18
Iron. Agree 100%.

If something does not meet the agreed requirements - report it. Doesn't matter if it is IT, ATC, Hotels...our mismanagement only responds to noise.