View Full Version : Where in the World !!!

2nd Jun 2001, 01:44
Hi Everone,
I was just wondering, with all the competition for jobs in Europe and the U.S
where in the World is there a shortage of Pilots ?
My hope lies in China, I married in China and have spent some time there learning the language and now I have an extended family.
I may be wishing here, but I am sure if everone stops thinking about the BA job and considers flying in the furthest reaches, maybe we will all find our dream job.
Ok I know pay may not be the same in some Countries but living costs are equally low.

Only a thought you guys, but I am sure everone has studied job availability in more than one country before embarking on their CPL.

2nd Jun 2001, 02:28
My understanding YanYan is that there is a shortage of pilots but it is a shortage of pilots with hours and (obviously) experience.

There are no end of adverts and inter-company drives to get pilots onto other types at new bases etc. but they all require hours.

Good luck,


PS; And the next question is: where do you get all those hours? Right? Well, there's instructing, aeriel photo work, para drops, towing gliders and a few other possible routes.

3rd Jun 2001, 02:36
Thanks VFE,
Does anyone else wish to comment.

Ivan Ivanovich
3rd Jun 2001, 23:24
I feel there is a pilot shortage, however it's a shortage of the type of pilots airlines think they want to recruit. It's not just about hours, flying is like any other profession; the candidate needs to fulfill the criteria laid down for the type of job they are going to do. Just having a qualification doesn't entitle you to a job.

Compare this profession to any other; Doctor, solicitor, teaching - whatever! We expect them to conform to a particular stereotype otherwise we wouldn't put our trust in them. Being an airline pilot is no different!

Prejudiced, probably; life, definately!

4th Jun 2001, 01:40
Cheers Ivan,
But going back to my original thought...
I know we are all fighting for our first job after being granted a gleaming new CPL, hence the surplus of low hour wanabee`s and the shortage of "Charlton Heston Captains",
but I am still convinced there is somewhere in the World for most of us.
Well hopefully ?