View Full Version : Cathay Pacific Terminate Pilot Accused But Not Convicted Of A Crime

Iron Skillet
5th Jun 2012, 02:21
Story, name, upgraded charges were in the paper.

For those who like to pursue (and eventually upset) the ladies at work, think twice. It seems that all it takes here is a serious (and easily fabricated) accusation to get you fired - before a jury reaches a conclusion based on the evidence in a proper trial. This probably applies to accusations made by any lady anywhere, too.

Perhaps in this case there is more to the story, unrelated to the relevant accusation and charges?

For any a**hole who chooses to physically or sexually assault anyone, anywhere, anytime, I think that tens or hundreds of thousands of US$ spent on lawyers' fees, airline tickets and hotels for a trial, plus fines, court costs, a ruined career, a disgraced future, a criminal record eliminating job and travel options, and the extra bonus of a few years suffering a humiliating, dangerous and depressing stay in jail sounds appropriate to me - as long as the accusation is true and the conviction is fair. I'm not sure an offender's wife and kids would be too happy with or forgiving about their new lifestyle, either.

broadband circuit
5th Jun 2012, 03:09
as long as the accusation is true and the conviction is fair.

You haven't been working for CX for very long, have you......

5th Jun 2012, 04:04
"For any a**hole who chooses to physically or sexually assault anyone, anywhere, anytime, I think that tens or hundreds of thousands of US$ spent on lawyers' fees, airline tickets and hotels for a trial, plus fines, court costs, a ruined career, a disgraced future, a criminal record eliminating job and travel options, and the extra bonus of a few years suffering a humiliating, dangerous and depressing stay in jail sounds appropriate to me - as long as the accusation is true and the conviction is fair. I'm not sure an offender's wife and kids would be too happy with or forgiving about their new lifestyle, either."

Fair enough, however that works both ways! Anyone who is found to have falsely accused another of these types of crimes, should expect an equally severe level of punishment!

5th Jun 2012, 05:58
Unfortunately it's been all speculation since it happened. If you speak with those in the know, you'll know that he's changed his story a few times, shot himself in the foot with his statements, and that should all come out in the trial..... Unfortunately, because of the well known victim and her historical antics, we all assume she has goaded him and invented the rest....
CX must be pretty sure he's guilty to fire him.

We have to wait and hope the truth comes out, if ever.

Progress Wanchai
5th Jun 2012, 09:01
Murder - Full company support.
Sexual Abuse - You're on your own.

I guess murder victims make less noise.
Or is this another case of CX making a judgement based on the parties involved? (Think assault on Ground Staff etc..)