View Full Version : Training in the USA

1st Jun 2001, 23:09

I'm an old ppruner by the old name flybig99. This is my new one. Anyway, if anyone is interested in flying in the USA, at least PPL, or multi and so on then let me know. I'm an instructor in orlando. Unlike the other schools you talk to, I dont give a s&%$! I'll tell it how it is. Also I'm a little on the quiter side now so I got plenty of time.

I know we are not supposed to advertise here but I feel this is helpful stuff for ppruners.

Email me at [email protected] or call me at home on 001407-3287324

....Wasn’t me....

2nd Jun 2001, 18:03
...and are you an approved school for JAA training - or should this thread move to the North America forum?

Curious about the new name. CFII I understand. JD, I guess, is John Doe. :)

3rd Jun 2001, 02:41
This blatant recruiter should be moved to bin and banned.