View Full Version : Easy Swiss

31st May 2012, 21:56
Hi Guys,

A friend of a friend is in the easySwiss holding pool and is trying to work out how long a wait it might be? They're an FO.

Any ideas?


1st Jun 2012, 06:23
Does your friend of a friend know how many in the pool? I think it depends on that.

New routes and increase of frequency on some other routes planned around October, so they probably need additional plane(s) and crew to operate them(not confirmed).

Best thing is to ask them directly by e-mail.

Good luck:ok:

1st Jun 2012, 09:11
Thanks for that,

No idea about numbers, I was asked as I'm in the other orange army which obviously doesn't help!

Have a good weekend

1st Jun 2012, 16:26
I'd guess a couple of months, no more. Although there is noone under training anymore, there will be plenty of opportunities to join the golden jail in the next months. :ugh:

1st Jun 2012, 18:03
I'm in the easyJet holding pool myself (not the swiss on though) and still don't know when I could be starting... It seems to me like they are over recruited at the moment.

It'd be nice to hear the thoughts of those who are currently working for easy... Do you think its gonna be after the summer? or more like after the winter?


1st Jun 2012, 21:48
Thanks for the input guys,

Gamble, I hope you get in soon, but sadly I have no real idea of how long you might wait.
The only thing I know is that over this last winter flexi crew flew hardly at all (30 - 40 hours it seems) and so looked pretty over crewed and so far my summer rosters (perm, european base) are nice, 60 - 70 hours so from my point of view it doesn't look like we're too stretched,

so based on the last winter, I doubt we'll need many more guys before next summer but that really is a guess.

2nd Jun 2012, 09:14
Dear DirectCF,

why call EZS "Jail"?

Nobody is forced to join us or stay with us...

As for "golden"... I'd rather say is silver only.

Fly safe and just enjoy your place!

3rd Jun 2012, 11:45
I like tea, thanks for you thoughts, thats kind of what I was expecting to hear...

Narrow Runway
5th Jun 2012, 09:39
I applied through a broker last year, attended selection, passed and was offered a DEC contract job.

This was for EZS.

The contract was only for 6 months, and despite pushing for longer, it wasn't offered.

In addition to this, the pay on offer was 30% lower than for a local, permanent Captain.

It's a shame or both parties, because I didn't take up the offer in the end as a permanent job offer came along on a corporate jet. The corporate jet owners actually care
about their people and it's a company that is going places - a good bet.

All I can say is this: there were no requirements for language, or high school diplomas. The selection was fair, honest and concise.

I would have joined in a flash if it weren't for the lack of permanent contract - and the fact I didn't want to be cheap labour compared to other company Captains.

I say, go along if invited. Enjoy the selection & see what comes of it.

The EZS team seemed respectful, honest, hardworking and approachable. I suspect in my case the broker wanted too much from the deal. Which was a shame.

5th Jun 2012, 16:19
Any ideas if they will take some cadets from the CTC pool soon ?


6th Jun 2012, 07:36

I just got a rejection mail of them. I guess i have my age against me and no airbus rated.

Considering to get out of aviation.

helipilot r44
6th Jun 2012, 08:27
Narrow Runway, unless you had access to the terms and conditions negotiated by EZS and the broker, which I KNOW you didnt, I suggest you keep your uninformed comments to yourself.

Your decision to accept the EZS offer, sign a contract and then "jump ship" at the last moment created enormous unrest amongst those concerned!

Those who throw stones, would be well advised NOT to live in a glass house.

Narrow Runway
6th Jun 2012, 17:15
Thanks for your memory of events.

But, can we clear up a few facts first?

The contract had a 7 day termination clause in it, up until completion of training, did it not?

This was a 2 way clause, that allowed either party to terminate the contract with 7 days notice at that stage - for whatever reason.

So, if that 7 day clause is true and seeing as I was outside of that 7 day period (by a more significant margin than you make it appear), I didn't actually breach any contract with anyone. It is regrettable that others may have felt ruffled, but it wasn't a malicious breach.

Please bear in mind that seeing as interviews only left about 5 weeks until start date, the whole process became a little "compacted". To suggest my actions were to "jump ship" at the "last minute" are somewhat disingenuous.

I was offered a once in a lifetime job, which offers me and my family real security. I didn't expect to be offered it, and indeed was only offered the interview for it AFTER my EZS interview/sim. It was totally unexpected.

Perhaps I am incorrect about why the pay was so low compared to other EZS Captains - and that I will never know. For the record, if I am incorrect about my previous assumption about the broker being rather keen, I am happy to say unconditionally that I withdraw that comment on your word that I am incorrect.

Helipilotr44, I wish you all the best, but you and I both know that this is business, and in business things sometimes don't quite go with the script.

However, I'm not the only one throwing stones it might appear.

9th Jun 2012, 14:30

You looked after yourself and your family; nothing comes above your family, you absolutely did the right thing! For anyone to expect loyalty in return for a six month contract on inferior terms, is idiocy.

Full Left Rudder
12th Jul 2012, 19:47
Not sure on recruitment, but looks likely one aircraft to GVA and one to BSL from MAD.

13th Jul 2012, 19:15
Not sure on recruitment, but looks likely one aircraft to GVA and one to BSL from MAD

This has been confirmed. Question remains concerning the additional aircraft joining this winter.

As for recruitment, we don't know yet what the plan is for the MAD crew, hence everything is frozen until this has been decided.

13th Jul 2012, 19:32
Hello folks,
I need some advice.
Any chance for a 39 yrs FO with around 600hrs on the bus to get a rx seat in easy? Maybe flexi crew?

15th Jul 2012, 19:50
Can't say for sure if the door is still open but I flew with a lot of guys with a similar background recently.

16th Jul 2012, 09:33
Thanks mate, i am deciding to leave EU but i would like to try my last shot...
All the best to you all!