View Full Version : More Good News From Korean Air

1st May 2012, 00:15
Seems that KAL offered several foreigners(riff-raff) jobs after their interview. They give their notice and show up only to be sent home because their work permits are not in order. Now they have resigned their previous jobs and are out in the cold. The KAL Pilots Union has been spending a lot of time with the Ministry of Labor concerning the expats at KAL. This scenario has their fingerprints all over it. As the KAL Pilots Union celebrates and high-fives about stopping the foreign riff raff. As they destroy their own airline because they cannot meet the fleet plan growth. They may be cunning but they aren't very smart. You have to really want a job to work for these "gentlement".

1st May 2012, 01:42
Not uncommon in other lands too.

Boeing Europe
1st May 2012, 04:15
Were they sent home to "sort out" their work permits or basically fired because they did not have them in proper order

1st May 2012, 05:09
SIA wouldn't make a job offer until the Work Permit had been approved, surprised KAL don't do similar, management certainly need to get stuck into the union for meddling, if this story is true.

1st May 2012, 13:31
Who are these muppets that quit their job on a wing, a prayer and a promise?

Lemme see, interview, check, contract, yup maybe, workpermit, don't know, ah what the heck lets resign and move the wife and kids over there, all will be fine on the day.

1st May 2012, 13:58
The only reason we've seen such degrading conditions, total lack of respect and dignity from the employers is simply because we are selling ourselves CHEAP.
And the botom is nowhere close!...:ugh:

1st May 2012, 17:09
Must have stepped on some toes with the original post because it disappeared.

1st May 2012, 17:21
You do not move anybody to anywhere when you go for KAL. You stuck there during conversion until you either got chopped, more likely to happen, or you are one of the rare ones who pass. Could take 4 months and more until you are done now, either way, and then you go home. The newest game shortens the burden and lowers the training departments efforts to kill the skill.

Congratulation for the next round, I am just wondering when the "Top Management" of the 7th Floor A-Wing steps on the toes of the C-Wing to get moving. Disgrace the least to say.

Keylime, keep going and feed us again with your inputs....

1st May 2012, 18:47
Who are these muppets that quit their job on a wing, a prayer and a promise?

Lemme see, interview, check, contract, yup maybe, workpermit, don't know, ah what the heck lets resign and move the wife and kids over there, all will be fine on the day.

cldrvr.....It is the responsibility of KAL to obtain all of the work permits, visas, etc. not the applicant. Someone dropped the ball big time. Whether it was intentional or not remains to be seen. And, as is the norm over there, they will figure out how to blame someone else. Never take responsibility for your screwups. This bleeds over into the cockpit. Dangerous. Expat captain on 747 was on rest break, two korean F/O's in cockpit. They fell asleep and went lost comm. He got blamed and a letter in his file. And the beat goes on.

1st May 2012, 18:56
All these endless stories and incidents etc etc.... I have heard them first hand too from people I have known for years. All true, no exagerations.

And people keep applying to be paid 12.5K$ (777 Cpt salary advertised) ?!?!?

What is the clue I am missing?

WTF is the clue the rest of us that are looking from the outside are missing?

1st May 2012, 23:42
And people keep applying to be paid 12.5K$ (777 Cpt salary advertised) ?!?!?

What is the clue I am missing?

WTF is the clue the rest of us that are looking from the outside are missing?

rovespier....Definition of insanity: Doing the same thing expecting different results. The only thing KAL has going for it is the commuting contract.

4th May 2012, 04:03
The commute. The ace that Korean has is the best commute program.