View Full Version : Australian Recruitment agency called 'In Work'

20th Apr 2012, 07:29
Hi guys,

I see that there is a recruiting agency trying to look for foreign pilots to make a move across to OZ.
I am checking to see if anyone knows of them or has dealt with them?
Just be careful for now as they are wanting to charge $150 AUD for admin costs. They didnt know that a B200 was a turbo prob or an Embraer Brasillia was in fact a 120. When I question details in their dox they went on about wrong attachments etc
They do not offer roster info and say you must pay the $150 to find out and the airline wont offer this info either which I thought was very unusual. I have copied some email info from them below.

'As per my first email our new website is under construction but if you visit the old website againhttp://www.inwork.com.au (http://www.inwork.com.au/) and click on the International Business tab then scroll down to the heading “The process” and look at the third and fourth bullet points explain the AU$150.00.

I do apologise we have two business partners internationally Skills Provision in the UK and ACDC are our Korean partners. I accidentally attached the wrong sheet for you this morning so please ignore the first summary sheet and use the one I have attached now.
next email:

I will try and address your concerns as per your email as best I can.

The administration fee is a small charge which we ask and this assists us in developing a “Professional Portfolio” for you. It also eliminates “tyre kickers” that send their resume’s to everyone just to see what is out there. In Work does negotiate a fee with employers but that is a separate issue. Unfortunately the speed at which your resume was sent to In Work explains why some information may not have been passed onto you and I do apologise for this. Unfortunately we do not do any work on your application until the AU$150.00 is paid.

Ralph is the Director of the company and he has been in this business for at least 30. We are not a fly by night company but it is your decision if you would like to work with In Work. We are not in the business of “convincing you to work with In Work” .
and then this reply:
I think perhaps we need to start at the very beginning again. I need you to Pay the administration fee

Send in the documentation as per “The Package” that I sent to you yesterday

We can then formally accept your application
Once we have received this we can then start submitting your portfolio. Only once a company has accepted you will they discuss the roster and renumeration etc.

I would be interested if anyone has dealt with them. They just did not know to much about aviation, especially when questioning about Sigma and Rishworth.

20th Apr 2012, 07:42
I can give you information about this...

But first you need to send me $149, then I can send to you all the information.:ugh:

If you do not want the information, then please send me the $149 and I will not send it to you:ugh::ugh:

chimbu warrior
20th Apr 2012, 07:43
Ralph is the Director of the company and he has been in this business for at least 30. We are not a fly by night company

I know nothing of this bunch, but it has an "aroma" to it. I'm guessing "Ralph" has been in this business for about 30 minutes............

I'm not aware of any other agency that charges an administration fee (and please don't let this be the beginning of a trend), so that alone would make me nervous.

As for foreign pilots moving to Oz, well that has been the subject of several threads in the D & G section. What "jobs" are they recruiting for? Let me know and I'll check it out his end, or PM me if you prefer.

20th Apr 2012, 07:51
Hey guys,

I said to them that I have never heard of an agency charging the candidate, even Rishworth doesn't and they came back and said it was to get rid of time wasters. But the funny thing is they said I had to fill out all this info and then they would send it to the airline and if they liked what they saw then they would let me know the roster......now talk about wasting time.:ugh: what if that roster didnt suit my current situation!!!!!!!

Guys I have about 10 emails of them talking their way around things. These jobs are not even advertised on their new website...only gardeners etc:=

I thought I would try get everyone aware so they dont waste their money.

20th Apr 2012, 08:25
The skills Provision web site might have more info than In Work provided..

Job Details (http://www.skillsprovision.co.uk/PilotsRequiredinAustralia)

chimbu warrior
20th Apr 2012, 08:50
Thanks cwatters.

A bit of googling will reveal who these companies are, and if you meet the requirements (including the right to work in Australia), I'd suggest you apply directly to them.

Any "agency" purporting to represent these operators is simply seeking to have both the employer and the applicant part with cash. Starve them of the oxygen that they are attempting to steal.

20th Apr 2012, 09:08
hey guys,

On all my email to InWork I had been copying in the guy from Skills provision and to date he has not commented on anything that I have sent back to In Work...not a word and there must be at least 10 ongoing emails.

That makes me wonder!

Most companies advertise on AFAP or similar so I would rather stick to the known ways or companies.
I would love to go knock on their office door in QLD to have a chat!!!! maybe do $150 worth of damage on my way out!!:ugh:

Boeing Europe
20th Apr 2012, 14:27
I love uncovering a scam,haha this is a complete and utter scam,it gives the address of their offices on the website but if you google it , the property at the given address is up for rent , i conformed this via e-mail with the estate agent ha,they charge 180 for advertising on there newsletter but if you look at the last 4 newsletters there is not one single advert I have sent ralph a few e-mails about it pretending to be interested , atleast someone is now wasting his time.Also spelling on website is quite funny

20th Apr 2012, 20:12
Hey Boeing Europe,

Glad you like to uncover scams, I def thought it was dodgy by the word dox that they attached and when I asked about some info they told me they attached the wrong doc etc.

This all started from an email a mate sent me about the company which came from LinkedIn. This Ralph Hunter guy is in QLD and a guy by the name of Chris Slay is in the UK on Skills Provision. The person I was dealing with was Moira Anthony:

[email protected]
[email protected]
chris Slay is on [email protected]

I am going to contact her mentioning your findings on the property.

Will keep in touch with replies.