View Full Version : Virgin Atlantic Selection

26th Mar 2012, 20:05

I have recently been invited for an interview with VAA. Does anybody have any updated information on the latest selection process?

(Preferably a person who has been through the selection during the last few rounds of recruitment)


Boeing Europe
26th Mar 2012, 20:09
What are Virgins Current requirements? are they still like 6000 hoursTT

26th Mar 2012, 20:24
Roy Boy, looking at your previous posts it looks like you have looked for advice on PPrune for just about every job thats going..... at 24 I very much doubt you have the hours required for Virgin or for Emirates for that matter so could you please just stop wasting your and everyones time

26th Mar 2012, 21:59
Seems a bit harsh! Not all profile details are true on an anonymous forum!

27th Mar 2012, 02:45
Hey Sorvad,

Quit being such a downer. :mad: Show some support and positivity - or just don't reply to these posts asking for interview details. If the post asks for your opinion, give it. Otherwise, quit flapping your negative gums....

27th Mar 2012, 22:13

I would advise you not to jump to any conclusions considering you know nothing about my situation. If you do not have anything valuable to contribute then I suggest you ignore this post.

Just for your info, I've been very fortunate to have started my career at a young age and have accumulated over 3500hrs working for an airline based in Europe. I was able to secure an interview with VAA.

Would anyone be able to offer an updated information on the latest selection procedure?


27th Mar 2012, 23:50

At the moment they are not recruiting to fill class dates. But placing successful candidates into a holding pool.

If you pass the selection you are told by telephone the following evening.