View Full Version : Manx2 Jetstream 31, G-CCPW Special Bulletin

Heir Myles
25th Mar 2012, 17:51
AAIB release a special bulletin (www.aaib.gov.uk/publications/special_bulletins/s1_2012___jetstream_31__g_ccpw.cfm)reporting on Jetstream 31, G-CCPW

26th Mar 2012, 00:03
Whilst the investigation has not yet determined
how long the crack took to grow to failure, the amount of
corrosion in the crack and on the steel spigots suggests
that it was present during the last visual inspection
carried out 11 days earlier and may have been present
during the last eddy current inspection undertaken ten
months earlier.So the question is, was someone inattentive, or are the procedures for the inspection impractical/inappropriate?

5th Apr 2012, 20:21
What do you think Russ, would you have spotted it?:confused:

Sir George Cayley
6th Apr 2012, 21:14
What on earth is a pintle?

6th Apr 2012, 21:50
A pintle is a pin about which a hinge swings.

6th Apr 2012, 21:50
A pintle is a pin or bolt, usually inserted into a gudgeon (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gudgeon), which is used as part of a pivot or hinge.

Pintle is also a common term used in the design of aircraft landing gears. It describes the attachment point between the landing gear structure and the aircraft structure. The pintle is the bolt around which the landing gear rotates when it is extended/retracted into/out of the aircraft. The pintle is a highly stressed component during landing manoeuvres and is often made from exotic metal alloys.

Wikapedia ref

7th Apr 2012, 04:34

Here is a pic of one end of one of the pivot in service. I might add its not the end that failed.

You might see a small line under the grease nipple. Which was found on a walk round. Turned out only to be a crack in the paint.

glad rag
7th Apr 2012, 13:30
Nice bit of wire locking too..............

Shell Management
7th Apr 2012, 17:13
Thats not standard practice is it?

18th Apr 2012, 08:16
The Belfast main gear had a skewed pintle no less.

18th Apr 2012, 08:19
Which means it swings at a funny angle :D

18th Apr 2012, 08:24
It describes the attachment point between the landing gear structure and the aircraft structure.

18th Apr 2012, 09:52
Pintle and Gudgeon

Attachments in a steering system - derived from marine terminology.