View Full Version : 1990 ish - BA cadet salary?

13th Mar 2012, 11:37
Can someone please let me know the BA cadet entry salary for those joining the line in the early 1990s (I seem to remember the Gulf War got in the way for a few!).

Equally, if any one has it around 2000 that would be helpful.


Doors to Automatic
13th Mar 2012, 11:46
I remember speaking to a newly qualified BA pilot around 1990 - his basic salary was c£23k per year at the time.

Not sure about 2000 but low 30s k wouldn't be too far out I suspect.

no sponsor
14th Mar 2012, 16:37
It was less than that for Cabin Crew. I was flying with a cadet from that era the other day. After graduating, there were no flying jobs, so they became CC for a couple of years. When they finally got their F/Os jobs, they took quite a significant drop in take home pay due to the very generous CC allowances at the time. All very different these days!

14th Mar 2012, 16:48
Purely for historical interest; I went through the BOAC cadet selection in 1959 and I still have a brochure that tells me that a Boeing 707 training captain could earn £5,000 per year!

14th Mar 2012, 16:56
The beancounters in my airline have enough 'money-saving' ideas of their own, without telling them that! :8

14th Mar 2012, 17:19
The average salary in 1959 was about 950 quid pa. The average salary today is about 38000 quid pa.
So a BA B744 training Captain would be on about 190000 if the status has remained.
I have to much time on my hands I know.

14th Mar 2012, 19:16
So a BA B744 training Captain would be on about 190000 if the status has remained.
I know of some that earn rather more than that! One loves to park his Aston Martin DBS in the sim car park! :D

14th Mar 2012, 21:15
The average salary in 1959 was about 950 quid pa. The average salary today is about 38000 quid pa.

dunno where you got your figures from dude, but the average salary today is considerably less than that - its around 26k I think

15th Mar 2012, 14:49
Yeah your right, 2 being next to 3 and being in a rush and not really reading what I had written. Maybe I don't have enough time on my hands.

I meant to say about 28000 today. So I guess equivalent to 140000. Which might mean something, but I won't say as I will probably have to correct whatever it is I try and say.

Of course I only take the Aston out on sunny days and would never leave it in a car park. I use the Porsche when I need to do that.

15th Mar 2012, 15:02
do you - I never leave anything in the car park. I get the chauffeaur to drop me off in the Maybach. The insurance company wont cover the veyron for being left at heathrow.

one day soon
15th Mar 2012, 17:05
I didn't realise so many of you still use the roads, that explains why I never have to hold for the company helipad.