View Full Version : UK Independent Pilots Association (IPA) releases documentary film on Pilot Fatigue

7th Mar 2012, 14:35
In response to ongoing proposed European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) plans to change Flight Time Limitations (FTLs), the UK pilot union, the Independent Pilots Association (IPA) has this week released a documentary film entitled ‘Pilot Fatigue’ on the serious and ongoing issue of crew fatigue that it has co-produced with Fact Not Fiction Films .

The film is being sent to every Lord, MP and aviation interested party to ensure everyone is aware of the serious consequences of failing to have properly created, science based, FTLs. The film is also being sent free to all IPA members.

More details at:

Independent Pilots Association releases film on Pilot Fatigue | SourceWire (http://www.sourcewire.com/releases/rel_display.php?relid=70595)

Welcome to the IPA (http://www.ipapilot.com/)

Pilot Fatigue - A Fact Not Fiction Films documentary. (http://www.factnotfictionfilms.com/pilotfatigue.html)

7th Mar 2012, 15:53
would love to see it...

Torque Tonight
7th Mar 2012, 16:11
If the IPA are trying to get the message out (and good on them for doing so) wouldn't it be better to freely distribute the DVDs (as BALPA did with Toxic Air) or make the film viewable online.... RATHER THAN CHARGING £17.99 TO BUY THE DVD!

I can't really see it flying off the shelves.

Pilot Fatigue [PAL] [pf-dvd] - £17.99 : DFT Enterprises, Film Distribution and Online Sales (http://www.dftenterprises.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=67&products_id=211)

7th Mar 2012, 16:18
The film is being sent to every IPA member for free.

7th Mar 2012, 17:07
Film is "free" to all IPA members no matter the grade of membership

Aero Toxic was free through BALPA and IPA but I didn't see it available elsewhere paid or otherwise.

All campaigns cost money from cancer research to the fight against malaria

Dream Buster
7th Mar 2012, 18:29
Once again the IPA have shown the 'bigger' Union :\ how to represent their members interests.

Well done - can't wait to see it - to send the DVD out to every Lord, MP and IPA member is a very, very smart move.

7th Mar 2012, 18:56
Whats the point of making this publication if the general public doesn't get to see it? am I the only one that thinks they're a bunch of idiots?

7th Mar 2012, 19:24
The 'bigger' union was too busy arguing their point in parliament and getting their members to write 90% of the responses to the initial EASA proposal and whipping up their membership to writing thousands of letters to their mp's and getting on the news channels.

Sitting on their backsides really.

7th Mar 2012, 20:10
someone please youtube it... don't ship to india :ouch:

8th Mar 2012, 05:45
Once again the IPA have shown the 'bigger' Union how to represent their members interests.


As gorter has said months ago BALPA was distributing info, urging it's members to take part in the EASA consultation process and many of it's members attended parliament in person to lobby MPs weeks if not months ago.....

Link here to BALPA's campaign website:

BALPA - Flight Time Limitations (http://www.balpa.org/Campaigns/Flight-Time-Limitations-(1).aspx)

I suspect in reality the IPA is too "late on parade", since the UK consulation process has almost finished - written to the CAA and your MP yet?

8th Mar 2012, 15:24
am I the only one that thinks they're a bunch of idiots?
No you're not the only one.

8th Mar 2012, 18:50
Might be able to view it online on:
Pilot Fatigue - A Fact Not Fiction Films documentary. (http://www.factnotfictionfilms.com/pilotfatigue.html)

To view an industry preview copy of the film online, please contact our sales team for a password or further information at:
[email protected]

Hope it works

Got this reply
The film is distributed in the UK on DVD by DFT Enterprises at DFT Enterprises, Film Distribution and Online Sales (http://www.dftenterprises.com)



Juan Tugoh
9th Mar 2012, 17:27
It's a shame that this potentially important film has been made for commercial gain and not to inform and educate. Why do I say that? Simple, you have to pay to watch it. I admire that they made a film about an important subject, I feel rather let down that filthy lucre has made it irrelevant as hardly anyone will see it. I suppose that someone made it is better than nothing, but the very fact that the IPA or bALPA did not fund it in toto makes it a dead end. For it to do any good it needs to be on free distribution. Sadly it is a largely wasted (if noble) effort.:{

9th Mar 2012, 17:40
Some pilots are happy to pay for a big watch that is less accurate than a $5 Casio. Others even pay £120k for their training. Some pay RYR to look at their CV, pay for interview and then pay to get a type rating and enter a contractor holding pool!

As soon as someone raises their head above the parapet for the benefit of fellow pilots by spending serious money on a valuable documentary and what do you do? Aw it's so expensive! Compared to 1% of your salary to the "bigger" union?

Commercial gain? Why bash something that potentially will do more for Pilots than BBC parliament in raising the issue to the public - once the press have it they can broadcast it and you'll still pay for BBC or Sky BSB.

So would you expect all documentaries by Charities or by the BBC to be free as well?

They all need funding - so why should film makers do it for free? Especially for "rich" pilots! (enter your airline salary here to see where you come out of 6 billion: Global Rich List (http://www.globalrichlist.com/) )

They have mouths to feed as much as anyone else!

Karl H
9th Mar 2012, 17:45
Me 2 like to see the film

Dream Buster
9th Mar 2012, 19:26
It's a shame that this potentially important film has been made for commercial gain and not to inform and educate.

Juan - Do you honestly think the IPA made this film to make money?

It is - as you so rightly say - to 'inform and educate' and the politicians (who make the laws) and IPA members get a free copy - plus can lend it to friends etc.

So please understand that nobody can just 'give, give, give' the whole time - without trying to balance the books.

It is absolutely not a wasted effort; but I agree it would be incredibly helpful if it could be broadcast on TV, as it is such a life and death issue for anyone who flies.

PS. The IPA have about 900 members, ~ 600 MP's & 600 Lords = 2000 + DVD's.....all sent - FREE (inc. P&P!)

Juan Tugoh
9th Mar 2012, 21:08
Angelorange -talk about missing the point. I can easily afford to buy this film but I am already aware of the issues of fatigued pilots.

If this film is to do any real good it has to get to a wide audience and increase public awareness. Joe Public is highly unlikely to pay to see this film but may watch it if they don't have to pay. YouTube is the real new frontier in this form of infomercial where viewing is free. Watching a movie at the local multiplex with all the latest special effects and the biggest stars in 3D and IMAX does not cost as much as this film.

The issue is that it doesn't matter how worthy this film is - and I am sure that it is - but who gets to see it. If you want politicians to be swayed by the argument, that is fine, but it also needs public pressure, not just lobbying from groups with a vested interest.

Problem Solver
9th Mar 2012, 21:11
I too would love to see a copy - - then spread the essence of the message to the widespread aviation community that I am involved it. But EUR17.95? No way.

Commuting Pilot
9th Mar 2012, 22:21
I'm a bit naive but could you not buy a copy, convert to mpeg4 with Handbrake, then upload to YouTube? If so then I'll do it...

9th Mar 2012, 23:01
This is such an important issue to get out to the masses!

FFS - Someone just put it on Youtube so the general public will watch it.

No amount of lobbying, paid advertising and publicity can compete with that.

Dream Buster
10th Mar 2012, 07:18
Fact not Fiction Films Fact Not Fiction Films - Award Winning British Independent Film and Documentary Production Company (http://www.factnotfictionfilms.com/) have made several aviation safety related films - but until they understand that the only real way to get a message out is on the internet, for free - they will never achieve their aim.

I reckon a short, sharp message is also a winner in this day and age.

Having said that they make other documentary films which are pure commercial ventures but it's a tricky business and anybody who criticises film makers needs to understand the economics - which are rather like airline flying, I suspect.

At least FNFF & IPA tried - for all of us.

Go on - buy a copy! - I'm a member of the wonderful IPA, so should get one free....

10th Mar 2012, 08:51
I'm a bit naive but could you not buy a copy, convert to mpeg4 with Handbrake, then upload to YouTube? If so then I'll do it...
That is Copyright infringement, commonly done known as piracy. YouTube would not allow it. Fact Not Fiction Films / Independent Pilots Association need to do it to be legal.

10th Mar 2012, 09:41
As others have said, every little helps... But a) this is very late to the party and b) making it so you have to buy it won't help spread the word.

Are many UK pilots NOT aware of fatigue/FTL issues? What's the point of us buying these DVDs? The target audience should be the voting public and I can't see many of those spending money on an aviation safety film as opposed to Star Wars HD or The Artist. Come on! :rolleyes:

Dream Buster
10th Mar 2012, 12:03
All agreed Fullwings,

Any AT pilot in the UK is acutely aware of the FTL issue :ugh: but as usual in difficult times - they won't want to risk their jobs and liveliehoods by being too vocal as individuals - it is not a great career move.

But as we have seen with other serious issues - most pilots just hope that somebody, somewhere - DOES something?

Train drivers are a different breed - due to their super strong Unions.

The words 'straw', 'broke', 'camels back' and 'Buffalo' keep coming to my mind....

10th Mar 2012, 13:51
I don't think anybody charged somebody to watch the Kony 2012 video. Look how viral that went...Youtube is the way, social media is the way - if you want to raise public awareness that is.

10th Mar 2012, 15:21
Look, I'm not a pilot, just a retired technician who worked on many productions.

If you want to influence public and political opinion, you post it everywhere for free. If you want to make money, you try to sell DVDs.

Pudoc (and several others) are spot on. This trivialises and commercialises an important issue rather than does anything to advance the cause.

Shame on you IPA.

11th Mar 2012, 00:22
errr... am I the only person to have noticed that the Gen Sec of the IPA has been trying for some years to make a second career as a film producer and it just happens to be his company that made this film.

That might explain why profit is put before safety by the 'smaller' union?

11th Mar 2012, 00:35
Guess so.

ln my fifteen years of membership l never doubted their intentions.

Dream Buster
11th Mar 2012, 08:47

The Gen Sec of the IPA is only trying to help resolve the present FTL nonsense.

As everybody so rightly says - money can not be made out of such an issue - when they don't sell any DVD's, that will be the proof.

What have you personally done towards the FTL issue?

11th Mar 2012, 09:06
I started watching it but I fell asleep.

Dream Buster
11th Mar 2012, 10:11

This should keep you awake:
Episode 3: staying awake 0.3 - YouTube

This is surely the way to do it - FREE, short and humourous yet with a deadly serious, subconscious message.

Apparently the Romans kept their people content with two vital 'must haves':

Bread and Circus's
PS. The other 3 episodes are excellent too, but require a further few minutes of your precious time....

11th Mar 2012, 20:15
am I the only person to have noticed that the Gen Sec of the IPA has been trying for some years to make a second career as a film producer and it just happens to be his company that made this film.

No, you're not the only one. Having said that he always appeared, in print anyway, to be a good communicator and I feel one union's loss was another union's gain, though I understand the reason for the move.

11th Mar 2012, 23:35
What have you personally done towards the FTL issue?

Written to my MP three times, been to see him once, written to my MEP and lobbied the CAA. What have you done?

A few years ago GASCO produced a safety video (yes - in the days of tape!) which they asked GA pilots to buy, due to the cost of producing it. Eventually they issued it as a free DVD because the reality is that nobody will pay for this sort of stuff.

I am not particularly anti IPA nor anti the Gen Sec but I do see a conflict of interest when the guy who invested a huge sum of money in trying to get into film production after ill-health retirement - it would appear none too successfully - decides in his new union job that the perfect medium to get the message across is... film (video).

Did he do it for free? I wouldnt expect him to of course but I just think things should be a bit more transparent.

Dream Buster
12th Mar 2012, 08:29

Well done. I hope others have made at least some effort because that's what is needed.

The train drivers just say - 'No!'

I was grounded 6 years ago with the same problem as the Gen Sec so I have only signed the FTL petition but have put most of my energy into CAQ, as that's my main passion as I no longer fly and don't fully understand the FTL issue (except that increasing duty times further is madness).

When you lose your job at 49 - it is a nightmare to 'find something else to do' and I think that a big part of the problem is that highly trained pilots are dabbling in areas that we don't know much about and worse - bring our flying expectations of accuracy, timeliness and integrity to bear on outside life where they are not recognised.

Torque Tonight
13th Mar 2012, 10:58
Had this film been made freely available and viewable online it would probably have generated tens or hundreds of thousands of views, and would have gone a long way to getting the message out and influencing public opinion. With a £17.99 price tag I would be gobsmacked if the DVD sold in double figures. It's akin to asking someone to pay to watching double glazing adverts.

If the link between the IPA exec and the production company is true then there is a massive conflict of interest and a valuable opportunity for the IPA to fulfil its mandate has been hobbled in order to benefit an individual's side project. If I was still a member of the IPA I'd be expecting some answers.

15th Mar 2012, 19:31
Actually nothing is free if you want to run a half decent campaign.

Whether it's Cancer research or occupy wall street they all ask you to contribute your dosh.

Viral campaigns cost serious money:

"In general a well-executed viral marketing campaign can cost anything from £5,000, with well-known brands often spending in excess of £100,000 on their viral marketing campaigns. In return the viral advertising agency will develop the viral, seed it in various places, and usually track the results, whether that’s new registrations, click-throughs, or cost per viewer.

Simple email viral campaigns can be very successful and eliminate the need to develop high quality videos or complex games. However, for this type of viral to work something of real value must be being given away. Consequently, if the promotion works it can prove to be very expensive"

So if you are serious about FTLs and you want this DVD to be "free" or go online legally then suggest to the IPA that you'll either join them or make a donation so they can cover their costs.

Lots of charities make movies but you must be joking if you think it doesn't come from donations!

9 minutes to landing
20th Mar 2012, 16:57
Why dont the IPA simply stream the video from their website - that way, they can get the best possible coverage?

Far better than selling a very limited number of copies and just sending it to the members who already know the problem.

Surely this is an education campaign on behalf of the members?

Dream Buster
28th Mar 2012, 13:53
A very well presented film IPA - well done.

Great evidence in the future for when the EASA changes go through and lives are lost.

But somehow the actual evidence always seems to get misrepresented...how does this happen, I wonder?